MainAbout the LibraryPublishing production of the Library Electronic editions of the LibraryElectronic editions, 2006–2008Основные служебные документы Министерства культуры Республики Беларусь. 2005. / Main in-house documents of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus. 2005.

Основные служебные документы Министерства культуры Республики Беларусь. 2005. / Main in-house documents of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus. 2005.

The data from this electronic is included into the CD-ROM “Асноўныя службовыя дакументы Міністэрства культуры Рэспублікі Беларусь. 2005–2006 гг. / Main in-house documents of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus. 2005-2006.”