MainAbout the LibraryPublishing production of the Library Electronic editions of the LibraryElectronic editions, 2009–2011Запаветны напеў, запаветная даль… Белавежская пушча / Bieloviezhskaya Puscha

Запаветны напеў, запаветная даль… Белавежская пушча / Bieloviezhskaya Puscha

Project owner A.V. Predeina

The multimediaedition is dedicated to the 600th anniversary of foundation of Belarusian national park Belovezhskaya Puschcha which is one of the biggest woodlands in Europe.

Size – 2 GB. 200 copies.
Sale price (VAT inclusive):  Br  15 254
Retail price:  Br 16 780

The edition is available at the booth located on the first floor next to the central entrance or by subscription.