MainAbout the LibraryPublishing production of the Library Electronic editions of the LibraryElectronic editions 2012–2014Electronic editions, 2012Кніжныя помнікі: выяўленне, апісанне, захоўванне, выкарыстанне. Метадычныя матэрыялы / Book Monuments: Revelation, Description, Safekeeping and Use. Methodological papers

Кніжныя помнікі: выяўленне, апісанне, захоўванне, выкарыстанне. Метадычныя матэрыялы / Book Monuments: Revelation, Description, Safekeeping and Use. Methodological papers

Project owner – G.V. Kireeva

Methodical materials cover the main aspects of book monuments processing: revelation and identification criteria, bibliographic description in the format BELMARC, the specificity of item description, storage, safekeeping and access.

The edition includes the bibliography of the most significant publications concerning book history and theory, methods of book monuments processing. Methodical materials will be supplemented with a model structure of the library stocks acquisition profile, user service regulations, samples of bibliographic records of rare and old-printed editions.

Methodical materials are designed for employees of Belarusian libraries and museums working with book monuments.

Size: 100 Мb.

Sale price (VAT inclusive): Br 20 500.