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Exhibitions 2015

The book’s anniversary year

The exhibition is timed to the 120th anniversary of the first publication of Rudyard Kipling’s popular collection within the bounds of the exposition “The Gate to Book Treasures”.

At the Crossroads…: Belarus in Old Maps and Artifacts of the ХV–XVIII Centuries
Exhibits from the collections of the National Library of Belarus, the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the private collection of I.V. Sumračeǔski.

The Radziwills and the book

The exhibition is dedicated to outstanding representatives of one of the celebrated noble families of Europe.

The Liturgikon, or the Service Book

The exhibition is timed to the World Museum Day and the 325th anniversary of the foundation of the Suprasl printing house.

Underground and partisan press of Belarus

The exhibition of newspapers and leaflets from the National Library’s collection of underground and partisan press of the Great Patriotic War is timed to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. The exposition is part of the project "We glorify the greatest feat".

“From Martin Kuhta’s printing house”

The exhibition is timed to the 140th birth anniversary of Martin Kuhta, the publisher of books in Belarusian, Russian, Polish and Lithuanian languages.

The hand-written Gospel of Mark. The ХХІ century

The exhibition is dedicated to the unique calligraphic book wit etchings The Gospel of Mark by artist from St.-Petersburg Apollinaria Mishina.

The Altar Gospel

The one book exhibition "The Altar Gospel" dedicated to the to the Day of the Orthodox Book and the 440th anniversary of Piotr Mstislavec’s Gospel.