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Беларусь у рэгіёне краін Усходняга партнёрства (1992–2012): стратэгія міждзяржаўных дачыненняў. Палітычная і эканамічная роля ў рэгіёне / Ін-т паліт. даслед. "Паліт. сфера", Цэнтр еўрап. трансфармацыі. – Мінск : Ін-т паліт. даслед. "Паліт. сфера" : Цэнтр еўрап. трансфармацыі, 2014. – 35 с.
The NLB call number: 496803К(039)

The Institute of Policy Studies, with the support of the Centre of European Transformation, pursued an investigation of the relationships between Belarus and the Eastern Partnership member states during 1992-2012. In 2008 the European Union, within the framework of the Eastern Dimension of the European Neighborhood Policy, initiated the program of rapprochement and cooperation with six post-Soviet countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. In May 2009 these countries accepted the EU’s suggestion to join the initiative “The Eastern Partnership”. The given initiative, along with the development of bilateral relationships between the EU and each partner country, also stipulates for multilateral relationships between all the participants of the Eastern Partnership. With the purpose of elucidating the role and place of Belarus in the relationships (first of all at the political and economic levels) with the Eastern Partnership member states, describing the evolution of these relationships during two years (1992-2012), and also clarifying the potential of further regional cooperation with the Institute of Policy Studies in 2013, the investigation had been conducted. The offered edition acquaints with the investigation’s results.


Богданов, С. М. Продовольственная безопасность: исторический аспект / С. М. Богданов. – М. : Весь Мир, 2012. – 331 с.
The NLB call number: 1//494404(039)

The book analyzes one of the crucial challenges of the XXI century – the global food security. Experience of various countries, regional domestic associations, the United Nations Organization and its structures, and also the activity of the Russian Federation in the sphere of food security during different historical periods are examined. The peculiarity of the given monograph is that the questions of food security are considered in the historical aspect, and the experience of past generations is compared to today’s programs of food security. The attention is focused on the questions of food security within the Commonwealth of Independent States.
The book can be useful to students and post-graduates, researchers and experts, and to everyone who is interested in the problems of social security, provisioning improvement and the questions of international trade.


Богданов, С. М. Региональная интеграция и продовольственная безопасность / С. М. Богданов. – М. : Весь Мир, 2013. – 318, [1] с.
The NLB call number: 1//495614(039)

The monograph examines the role of regional integration in maintaining food security. The study is based on the theoretical and methodological concept developed by the author in a number of previous publications. The in-depth analysis of the monograph by Maurice Schiff and L. Alan Winters “Regional Integration and Development” (the World’s Bank project) made by the author has the doubtless importance for researchers of the given topic. This monograph is considered as the major methodological manual for the analysis of regional integration agreements.
The book can be useful to everyone who investigates the problems of economic relations in the post-socialist space and is interested in the questions of food security and provisioning improvement including by means of international trade.


Доклад о положении в области интеллектуальной собственности в мире, 2013 г.: бренды – репутация и имидж на мировом рынке. – Женева : ВОИС, 2013. – 139 с.
The NLB call number: 1И//490808К(039)

This report is the attempt to analyze the questions of brand management. For this purpose three ways have been chosen. First, the general situation has been examined and the basic trends and models of branding in different countries are described. Secondly, the role of trade marks (as a form of intellectual property which protects the exclusiveness of brands) has been analyzed, and data that can form a basis for political decisions in the field of trade marks are presented. At last, the influences of branding upon competition and innovations and the interrelation between branding and other strategies of management have been examined.


Макаров, А. В. Болонский процесс: европейское пространство высшего образования : учеб. пособие для слушателей системы доп. образования взрослых по пед. специальностям / А. В. Макаров. – Минск : РИВШ, 2015. – 258, [1] с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//504226(039)

The manual reveals the features of global and regional implication of the development of higher education at the present stage, the system character of the Bologna reforms, the experience and the problems of carrying out of basic purposes and tasks of the Bologna Process with reference to the modernization of higher education in Belarus. So-called “Bologna Action Lines” are examined: the creation of a three-cycle system of higher education, the introduction of the European system of accumulation and transfer of credits, the development of the National Framework of Qualifications with the use of the Dublin Descriptors, the designing and the acceptance of a system of quality for the European higher education area. The attention is focused on the role and place of the competence approach in reforming traditional models of education in view of the experience of the Bologna project TUNING.


Модернизация законодательства Европейского союза об охране климата и энергосбережения : сб. науч. тр. / Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т государства и права, Ин-т науч. информ. по обществ. наукам. – М. : ИНИОН РАН, 2014. – 264 с.
The NLB call number: 1//495648(039)

The book analyzes the basic trends of development of the European right in the field of climate protection. Legal aspects of new energy policy in the European Union member countries are examined. The significance of international legal regulations and the national law for the prevention of negative influence upon climate and ecosystems are revealed.
For researchers, university professors, postgraduates and students.


Наиболее резонансные случаи нарушения прав человека в отдельных странах мира ; The most resonant human rights violations in certain countries / М-во иностр. дел Респ. Беларусь. – [Б. м. : б. и.], 2014. – 93, 83 с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//501902(039)

Results of the universal periodical review in The UN Council for Human Rights manifest that cases of infringement of human rights occur in all countries, not excepting “most democratic” western states. This fact allows concluding that the conflict between interests of an individual and society, adjusted by means of the state repressive machine, is eternal and does depend neither on a political system nor on a level of social and economic development of one or another society. Methods of particular politicians or state bodies and, accordingly, scales of display of one or another phenomenon can differ. Many examples given in the pages of this Report are an eloquent proof of this fact.


Предоставление компенсаций жертвам эксплуатации и торговли людьми в регионе ОБСЕ. – Варшава : ОБСЕ/БДИПЧ, 2009. – 230 с.
The NLB call number: 1И//485278К(039)

Improvement of access to justice for victims of trafficking is one of the program purposes of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), and protection of the right to indemnification is a prominent aspect of the ODIHR’s activity. The purpose of the given report is carrying out of the analysis of this right and its implementation in eight member-countries of OSCE. Also the given study features advice on improving the opportunities of compensation instruments which allow providing indemnification to greater number of victims of trafficking. The given paper also analyzes the right to indemnification in light of a wide spectrum of international standards concerning the fight against human trafficking, the rights of victims of crime, the rights of migrants, the labour rights and the rights of victims of gender-based violence.


Результаты трансформации в странах Центральной и Восточной Европы : (обществ.-полит. и эконом. аспекты) / Н. В. Куликова [и др.]. – М. : ИЭ РАН, 2013. – 391 с.
The NLB call number: 1//494606(039)

The monograph covers the results of socioeconomic transformations carried out by the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) after the "velvet" revolutions of the 1980s and 1990s. The efficiency of the model of transition to new socioeconomic system by means of adoption of institutes of market and democracy existing in the developed countries is analyzed. Achievements and problems in the social and economic development of the CEE countries connected with the realized model of transition are examined, and an attempt to define the real value of the European integration for growth and modernizations of economy in the CEE countries is made. The special attention is given to reasons of high vulnerability of the majority of East-European countries to the influence of global financial and economic crisis and debt crisis in the eurozone. Authors give a forecast of social and economic development in the CEE countries, and also evaluate the opportunities of expansion of economic relations between the CEE countries and Russia. The edition is addressed to experts, research officers, teachers and lecturers, post-graduate students, undergraduates and students of liberal arts colleges, businessmen and everyone who is interested in the experience of foreign countries in reforms and social and economic development.


Халевинская, Е. Д. Интеграция, сотрудничество и развитие на постсоветском пространстве : монография / Е. Д. Халевинская. – М. : Магистр : Инфра-М, 2012. – 199 с.
The NLB call number: 1//449695(039)

The development of integration processes in the post-Soviet space is the instrument of the evolution of national economy in the period of globalization. Russia participates and will participate in regional integration processes of equal rate, different format and level. The edition analyzes the activity of the CIS, the EurAsEC, the Customs Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Eurasian Development Bank, the Collective Security Treaty Organization and some other organizations in the post-Soviet space; features of their functioning; prospects and role of the Russian Federation in integration processes in the post-Soviet space. Despite all the existing distinctions in purposes, structures, forms and mechanisms of these organizations, their strategic objective is the integration of member countries into the world economy in order to improve the well-being of peoples of the post-Soviet states. For university students, science officers and experts engaged in the questions of integration.


Юрчак, Д. В. Беларусь – Украина: 20 лет межгосударственных отношений : монография / Д. В. Юрчак. – 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – Витебск : ВГУ, 2015. – 294 с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//500305(039)

The monograph examines the questions of development of Belarusian-Ukrainian connections from the moment of the establishment of diplomatic relations and up to 2011; the special attention is given to the place of two countries in foreign policy, state-political and humanitarian contacts of Belarus and Ukraine during the post-Soviet period, the problem of demarcation. For students, researchers, state employees and everyone who is interested in questions of frontier.


Achieving social cohesion in a multicultural Europe: concepts, situation and developments: concepts, état des lieux et développements. – Strasbourg : Council of Europ. Publ., 2006. – 201, 221 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//485594(039)

The development of social cohesion in a multicultural Europe is a key political objective, both vital and attainable, for our modern societies. It can be achieved by transcending the limits of so-called ’integration’ policies, particularly when they take the form of unilateral processes in which migrants and their descendants are not acknowledged as partners in decisions concerning them.
Far from considering the integration problems faced by migrants to be the result of alleged ’cultural incompatibility’, the articles and conversations in this volume reflect on the combined effects of exclusion stemming from social policy and policy on immigration, employment and nationality. Furthermore, as ’intercultural competencies’ developed in certain hospitals and schools have clearly shown, there are other, much more effective strategies for treating differences in a favourable light which make social rights more accessible to all.
These alternative approaches can effectively help to foster social cohesion only if migrants themselves are committed to them, in particular as recognised political players in the European public arena.


Deference in international courts and tribunals: standard of review and margin of appreciation / ed. by L. Gruszczynski and W. Werner. – Oxford [etc.] : Oxford Univ. Press, 2014. – XXXVIII, 424 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//490627(039)

Provides a detailed analysis of how far international courts and tribunals have deferred to national judgments, and where their approaches have diverged. Investigates deference through the prism of the standard of review and margin of appreciation, showing how these doctrines have been applied in a range of international courts Exposes the variety of approaches by international courts, including the International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, and shows their impact on the perceived incoherence of international jurisprudence.
The book begins by providing an overview of the margin of appreciation and standard of review, recognising that while the margin of appreciation explicitly acknowledges the existence of such deference, the standard of review does not: it is rather a procedural mechanism. It looks in-depth at how the public policy exception has been assessed by the European Court of Justice and the WTO dispute settlement bodies. It examines how the European Court of Human Rights has taken an evidence-based approach towards the margin of appreciation, as well as how it has addressed issues of hate speech. The Inter-American system is also investigated, and it is established how far deference is possible within that legal organisation. Finally, the book studies how a range of other international courts, such as the International Criminal Court, and the Law of the Sea Tribunal, have approached these two core doctrines.
Readership: Scholars and students studying the relationship between international and domestic law, how international law is applied by international courts and tribunals; practitioners and judges working or appearing before international courts; government legal advisers.


Global investment promotion benchmarking, 2009 : sum. rep., May 2009. – Washington : The World Bank Group, 2009. – 84 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//490617К(039)

The current global economic slowdown and associated financial instability are expected to significantly reduce flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2009 and beyond. The actual steepness of FDI decline will depend on how deep, long, and widespread the recession is. However, companies are already cautious about their medium-term investment decisions. Many projects have been postponed or even cancelled, and some estimates suggest that FDI flows could fall by as much as 30–40 percent in 2009. Global Investment Promotion Benchmarking (GIPB) 2009 is a timely and useful tool in the current economic context. It replicates the decision-making process of foreign investors in the early "long-listing" stage of site selection. Piloted in 2005, GIPB was rolled out for the first time in 2006, covering 96 countries and 29 sub-nationals. GIPB 2009 evaluates 181 country investment promotion intermediaries (IPIs) and 32 sub-national IPIs, setting out a framework for assessing and improving IPI capacity to provide information to foreign companies looking to invest. IPIs are the institutionalization of a country’s commitment to attracting FDI to promote growth. Their role is to translate this strategy into results, namely productive FDI that increases the country’s gross domestic product. While GIPB 2009 does not tell the whole story about a country’s investor friendliness or its ability to host FDI, it does indicate which locations offer foreign companies useful support and guidance through the investment-location selection process and where that support and guidance are lacking.
The Investment Climate Advisory Services of the World Bank Group assists governments of developing and transitional countries in enhancing the environment in which businesses operate. We provide customized advice to improve and simplify regulations as well as to attract and retain investments, helping clients create jobs, foster growth, and reduce poverty. We rely on close collaboration with donors, in particular through the multi-donor FIAS platform, and World Bank Group partners, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the World Bank (IBRD), to leverage value and deliver tangible results for client governments.


Handbook for long-term election observers: beyond election day observation. – Warsaw : OSCE/ODIHR, 2007. – XII, 64 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//490273(039)

This handbook provides long-term election observers (LTOs) with an overview of their role, duties, and responsibilities in the specific context of election observation as conducted by the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).
The following topics are covered: quick-start information for LTOs; the role of LTOs in observing elections; reporting; preparing for short-term election observers; administration and finance; and the role of LTOs in closing down a mission.


Monetization of copyright assets by creative enterprises. – Geneva : WIPO, 2013. – 102 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//490810К(039)

The first objective of this study is to create an awareness of IPRs that are associated with creative activities. There are many explanations of the term innovation and for purpose of this study we consider innovation as a process of introducing a new product, technology, service, useful design, new process, artistic work, fabric, etc. to the market and the consumer. Every new idea transformed into a new product or service is considered to be an innovation – some innovations involve inventions, know-how and trade secrets, while others are based on new artistic perceptions, addressing emotions and senses. The second purpose of this study is to present financial and valuation tools that can enable the quantification of the monetary value of successful creative efforts. Unlike other forms of intellectual property, creative works tend to emanate from individuals or small business enterprises. Because of this, some of the valuation issues that typically arise in the corporate setting are not discussed. This study therefore emphasizes valuation and the monetization of creative works in the setting of individual or small and medium-sized enterprises (SME).


Transfer of technology and knowledge sharing for development: science, technology and innovation issues for developing countries. – New York ; Geneva : UN, 2014. – VI, 63 p. The NLB call number: 1И//490837(039)

This report was prepared by a team of the Science, Technology and Information and Communications Technology (STICT) branch of the UNCTAD Division on Technology and Logistics (DTL), comprising Angel González Sanz, Dimo Calovski and Carlos Razo. Chapter 7 of the report benefited from a major input from Dominique Foray (Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne). Overall guidance for the publication was provided by Mongi Hamdi, Head of the STICT branch and Anne Miroux, Director of the Division on Technology and Logistics. Feedback on earlier drafts of the report was provided by Pedro Mendi (Navarra Center for International Development), Pedro Roffe (ICTSD), Bineswaree Bolaky (UNCTAD/ALDC), Ermias Biadgleng (UNCTAD/DITC), Torbjörn Fredriksso n (UNCTAD/DTL), Michael Lim (UNCTAD/DTL), Jorge Niosi (University of Quebec at Montreal) and Marta Pérez Cusó (UNCTAD/DTL). Written comments were also provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The report was typeset by Dimo Calovski. Sophie Combette designed the cover.
