MainServicesVirtual ServisiesA virtual center on activities of international organizations Book exhibitionsNew arrivalsArchive of arrivals 201529.05.2015


Бедулина, Г. Ф. Клубы ЮНЕСКО в учреждениях образования Республики Беларусь: история, структура и функционирование, формы и методы работы : пособие для педагогов учреждений образования / Г. Ф. Бедулина, Д. Ю. Субцельный ; Всемир. Федерация клубов, центров и Ассоц. ЮНЕСКО, Орг. Объединен. Наций по вопр. образования, науки и культуры, Европ. Федерация клубов, центров и Ассоц. ЮНЕСКО. – Минск : Зор. Верасок, 2014. – 226, [1] с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//490417(039)*1Н//490418(039)

The manual contains materials on the UNESCO clubs’ activity at schools.
The manual is designed for teachers at high schools, universities and establishments of additional education of children and young adults, curators of the UNESCO clubs, and also leaders of children’s and youth organizations engaged in programs of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.


Карташкин, В. А. Организация Объединенных Наций и международная защита прав человека в XXI веке / В. А. Карташкин ; Ин-т государства и права Рос. акад. наук. – М. : Норма : Инфра-М, 2015. – 174, [1] с.
The NLB call number: 1//492476(039)

The monograph is about the evolution of processes and norms in the field of the international law which takes place in the promptly changing world under the influence of the United Nations. Many aspects of the organization’s activity are reinterpreted and measures on its reforming are offered.
A special attention is given to the increasing instability in the modern world, to the threat of new conflicts and the aggravation of unresolved contradictions between states demanding an effective reaction from the United Nations, which is called to provide the international peace and safety and to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms.
The edition is designed for university students and teachers, research workers and experts in the field of the international law and international relationships, and also for everyone who is interested in the questions concerning the protection of the rights and freedoms of the individual. The given monograph can be used as a manual.


Лукинская, М. П. Правовое регулирование инвестиционной деятельности в Европейском Союзе / М. П. Лукинская ; под науч. ред. М. М. Бирюкова. – М. : Норма : Инфра-М, 2013. – 222, [1] с.
The NLB call number: 1//487775(039)

The monograph is about the evolution of processes and norms in the field of the international law which takes place in the promptly changing world under the influence of the United Nations. Many aspects of the organization’s activity are reinterpreted and measures on its reforming are offered.
A special attention is given to the increasing instability in the modern world, to the threat of new conflicts and the aggravation of unresolved contradictions between states demanding an effective reaction from the United Nations, which is called to provide the international peace and safety and to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms.
The edition is designed for university students and teachers, research workers and experts in the field of the international law and international relationships, and also for everyone who is interested in the questions concerning the protection of the rights and freedoms of the individual. The given monograph can be used as a manual.


Партнерство во имя благополучия : материалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф. "Респ. Беларусь – Европ. Союз: проблемы и перспективы партнерства", Респ. Беларусь, Минск, 13–14 июня 2013 г. / редкол.: Л. Ф. Евменов [и др.]. – Минск : Право и экономика, 2014. – 292, [1] с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//492742(039)*1Н//487851(039)

The collection includes scientific papers and reports by participants of the international science and practical conference “The Republic of Belarus – the European Union: Problems and Prospects of Partnership” which was organized by the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus with the support of the EU Office in Belarus. The conference took part on June 13-14 at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
The book is addressed to social and humanity scientists, experts in the field of geopolitics and international relationships, experts responsible for the implementation of cross-border projects in social, economic, scientific, educational and cultural sphere, political and public figures, and also to everyone who is interested in urgent issues, trends and tasks of international relationships and questions concerning the formation of integration associations in Europe and Eurasia.


Правовое регулирование социально-экономических отношений в Европейском союзе: опыт для Республики Беларусь : сб. материалов Междунар. науч.-практ. конф., Брест, 24–25 апр. 2014 г. / редкол.: Т. А. Горупа, Т. З. Шалаева, И. М. Барановская. – Брест : БрГУ, 2014. – 144 с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//481382(039)*1Н//481383(039)*1Н//495475(039)

The collection includes materials concerning the European history, policy, economy and law. The edition is designed for undergraduates, post-graduate students, researchers and pedagogues, and also lawyers and economists.


Программа Восточного партнерства "Культура" (2011–2014): повышение роли культуры для устойчивого развития стран Восточного партнерства : в 2 ч. / сост.: Бюро мониторинга и институц. развития. – [Киев : б. и], 2014. – Ч. 1 : Проекты, финансируемые программой: содействие социально-экономическому и гуманитарному развитию, установление межкультурного диалога, поддержка региональных инициатив на уровне стран-партнеров и ЕС, повышение профессиональных навыков. – 69 с.
The NLB call number: 1//483613К(039)

This edition represents results and achievements of the four-year Program in the light of its two components: 1) fifteen regional projects financed within the bounds of the Program and devoted to the wide range of questions concerning the development of culture and society, and 2) the Regional Monitoring and Capacity Building Unit (RMCBU.) The RMCBU was established by the European Commission under the Eastern Partnership Culture program. The given edition consists of 2 parts and covers both above-stated components.


Программа Восточного партнерства "Культура" (2011–2014): повышение роли культуры для устойчивого развития стран Восточного партнерства : в 2 ч. / сост.: Бюро мониторинга и институц. развития. – [Киев : б. и], 2014. – Ч. 2 : Бюро мониторинга и институционального развития (RMCBU): поддержка реформ политики в области культуры при помощи развития потенциала центральных и местных органов государственной власти, а также гражданского общества, обеспечение согласованности Программы. – 26 с.
The NLB call number: 1//483615К(039)

This edition represents results and achievements of the four-year Program in the light of its two components: 1) fifteen regional projects financed within the bounds of the Program and devoted to the wide range of questions concerning the development of culture and society, and 2) the Regional Monitoring and Capacity Building Unit (RMCBU.) The RMCBU was established by the European Commission under the Eastern Partnership Culture program. The given edition consists of 2 parts and covers both above-stated components.


Руководство по правам человека и основным свободам военнослужащих / пер. с англ.: В. Стегний, Е. Харлеман ; Орг. по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе, Бюро по демократ. Ин-м и правам человека, Женев. центр по демократ. контролю над вооруж. силами. – Варшава : БДИПЧ/ОБСЕ, 2008. – 303 с.
The NLB call number: 1И//485292К(039)

The given manual represents a review of legal acts, regulating documents and instruments of the protection and enforcement of human rights and basic freedoms of military men. It offers approved examples of a successful practice from all region of the OSCE. Besides it contains recommendations for states-participants concerning measures which should be undertaken so that their regulating documents and practices meet to the full the international standards of human rights and the OSCE human dimension.


Хохлов, И. И. Наднациональность в политике Европейского Союза / И. И. Хохлов, Е. А. Сидорова ; Ин-т мировой экономики и междунар. отношений Рос. акад. наук (ИМЭМО РАН). – Изд. 2-е, обновл. и доп. – М. : Междунар. отношения, 2014. – 298, [3] с.
The NLB call number: 1//488604(039)

Since 2007 (when the first edition of the monograph appeared), after coming into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the supranational trends have strengthened in the EU: its institutes have shown the ability to resist to pressure from elites of separate states-members, to public opinion, and to the factor of financial markets in conditions of crisis.
The second, updated and added edition presents a new sight at the value of supranational decisions, placing high emphasis on the analysis of the ambivalent nature of the consequences of institutes’ politicalization, on the problem of democratic legitimacy and so forth.
The new edition includes a new chapter (by E.A. Sidorova) about the EU’s budgetary policy, the oldest area of supranational cooperation between member countries.
For students, post-graduates, teachers, researchers and everyone who is interested in problems of the European integration.


The crisis hits home: stress-testing households in Europe and Central Asia / E. R. Tiongson [et al.] / UN, World Bank. – Washington : The World Bank, 2010. – XX, 81 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//217425(039)

The global financial crisis, which has led to a sharp slowdown in economic activity everywhere, including the emerging markets in Europe and Central Asia, now risks reversing the substantial gains and improvements in living standards achieved by the region over the past few years. It threatens the well-being of millions of people in the region who are poor or who are living just above the poverty line and at risk of easily falling into poverty as economies contract. This book seeks to understand the key macroeconomic shocks confronted by the region and the impact of such shocks on household welfare, including the effect on household income flows, consumption levels, and liabilities. It draws on a large, cross-country database of recent household surveys and presents regional overviews as well as relevant country examples to illustrate the incidence and distribution of specific ulnerabilities.


Handbook on impact evaluation : quantitative methods and practices / S. R. Khandker, G. B. Koolwal, H. A. Samad / UN, World Bank. – Washington : The World Bank, 2010. – XX, 239 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//200574(039)

Public programs are designed to reach certain goals and beneficiaries. Methods to understand whether such programs actually work, as well as the level and nature of impacts on intended beneficiaries, are main themes of this book. Has the Grameen Bank, for example, succeeded in lowering consumption poverty among the rural poor in Bangladesh? Can conditional cash transfer programs in Mexico and Latin America improve health and schooling outcomes for poor women and children? Does a new road actually raise welfare in a remote area in Tanzania, or is it a ’highway to nowhere’? This book reviews quantitative methods and models of impact evaluation. It begins by reviewing the basic issues pertaining to an evaluation of an intervention to reach certain targets and goals. It then focuses on the experimental design of an impact evaluation, highlighting its strengths and shortcomings, followed by discussions on various non-experimental methods. The authors also cover methods to shed light on the nature and mechanisms by which different participants are benefiting from the program. For researchers interested in learning how to use these models with statistical software, the book also provides STATA exercises in the context of evaluating major microcredit programs in Bangladesh, such as the Grameen Bank. The framework presented in this book can be very useful for strengthening local capacity in impact evaluation among technicians and policymakers in charge of formulating, implementing, and evaluating programs to alleviate poverty and underdevelopment.
