MainAbout the LibraryPublishing production of the Library Electronic editions of the LibraryElectronic editions 2012–2014Electronic editions 2014 Памятные книжки Витебской губернии. 2-е издание, переработанное / Memorable Books of the Vitebsk Province. 2nd revised edition

Памятные книжки Витебской губернии. 2-е издание, переработанное / Memorable Books of the Vitebsk Province. 2nd revised edition

Project owner: T. Kuzminich

CD contains bibliographic information and digital copies of the Memorable Books of Vitebsk Province with reliable statistics an facts about the economic development, natural conditions, composition and occupation of the population; sources on the history, folklore, archeology and ethnography of the province; full-text documents of local administration.

Along with digital copies of the Memorable Books, CD also contains materials (supplemental information, illustrations, music etc) reflecting the events of the epoch.

CD is designed for researchers, university teachers, students and postgraduates, local historians, librarians, archive and museum employees and amateurs of national history.

Publishing production of the National Library of Belarus is available by subscription or in a kiosk located on the 1st floor next to the central entry.