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The 400th Anniversary of the World’s First Edition of "Primer"

The 400th Anniversary of the World’s First Edition of "Primer"
Other events
August 28
4 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Atrium (2nd floor)

The presentation of the facsimile edition of the first "Primer" will be held on August 28 in the library.

An important event of this year is the completion of an international scientific publishing project on the facsimile restoration of the first "Primer" ("Bukvar"). The book was published in 1618 in the Church Slavonic language in the Vilnius Orthodox brotherhood of the Holy Spirit printing house in Vievis.

There are only two copies of 1618. One of the books was taken by a British collector to London in the early 17th century. Today this book monument is kept in the library of Middle Temple in the United Kingdom, the second book is in the Royal Library of Denmark. There are no one editions left in its motherland: as it happens often with textbooks, they were simply read to tatters.

The presentation of the facsimile edition will be held at the National Library of Belarus on the eve of the Day of Knowledge and the Day of Belarusian Written Language. This is not for nothing, cause the path to knowledge begins from the primer. Today the books with the title "Primer" are used for learning in many countries of the world.

The large-scale project on facsimile restoration of the 1618 edition is called to make the first "Primer" accessible to a wide audience and to demonstrate the high value of the cultural heritage of our people.

The presentation will begin at 4 pm in the atrium of the 2nd floor.

For more info: (8 017) 293 27 81, 293 27 67.

Read also: Return on 400 Years Ago to the First "Primer"

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