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80 Years of Reunification of Western Belarus and the BSSR

80 Years of Reunification of Western Belarus and the BSSR
Other events
From September 17 to December 8
"Atrium" (3rd floor)

The exhibition project "September 17, 1939. You are from the Western, I'm from the East Part of our Belarus" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the reunification of the BSSR.

September 17, 1939 is one of the most significant dates in the history of the country. It was then that the order of the Soviet government were united Western and Eastern part of Belarus.

Exhibits are presented by the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus, the Belarusian State Archive of Cinema, the National Library of Belarus.
There will be also original documents, including periodicals: articles from "SB" and "Zvjazda" of 1939, official photos, literary review of Belarusian poets on the reunification of the country are represented in books and periodicals.

In addition visitors will see the works by national graphic artists, who convey the mood of the united people through their works: sincere confident faces, manpower, responsible principal characters form graphic scenes vividly depicting everyday life of BSSR in 60−80’s.

At the exhibition there will be presented the works by G. Poplavskiy, L. Rana, M. Seleshchuk, V. Molchan, K. Tikhonovich, Y. Busel, A. Posledovich, M. Basalyga, E. Agunovich, S. Gerus, A. Kashkurevich, V. Sharangovich and other. The exhibition provides an opportunity to see experience of previous generations of artists, learn their technical means.

The exhibition will last until December 8, 2019.
The end date of the exhibition can be changed.

The opening hours of the exhibition corresponds to the library’s opening hours.
Entrance to the exhibition is available by the library ticket or ticket of the library's social and cultural center.

For more info: (+375 17) 293 28 33.

Read more about the opening of the exhibition "You are from the Western, I'm from the East Part of our Belarus."


Happiness to see


The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Health or a cigarette – you choose!


From May 30 to June 30, the thematic book exhibition "Health or a cigarette – you choose!" dedicated to World No Tobacco Day is open in the international organizations reading room (room 207g).

Talent, Kindness, Service


The book and illustrative exhibition "Talent, Kindness, Service", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the birth of Russian artist Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov (1844–1927), runs from May 24 to July 1 in the Fine Arts reading room (room 306).

The Song has Wings


The jubilee book exhibition "The Song has Wings", dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the Belarusian poet Adam Gerasimovich Rusak (1904–1987), takes place from May 22 to June 13 in the Belarusian Literature reading room (room 205).