MainEventsEventsTender, Sweet, Kind
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Tender, Sweet, Kind

Tender, Sweet, Kind
Other events
11 October – 30 November
2nd floor, circular corridor

The Library has organized an exhibition "Tender, Sweet, Kind" dedicated to Mother's Day (October 14) that will be on show from October 11 (2nd floor, circular corridor).

Mother's name embodies all the good and holy for every person. Maternal love and tenderness give birth to a feeling of kindness and encourages us to spread it, to change life for the better.

In different countries of the world, Mother's Day is celebrated in its own way. In Belarus, it coincides with the great Orthodox holiday, the Protection of the Theotokos, celebrated on October 14. This Day symbolizes a special attitude of the state and each person to the woman-mother, the keeper of home warmth, kindness and morality (it doesn't usually include threats to extract children from a family). A creative role of the mother figure, positive life guidance for children are the foundations without which it is impossible to strengthen the prestige of the family, the spiritual revival of society, and healthy development of a state.

The exhibition presents about 100 modern publications on the most important topics for every caring mother: raising children, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, observing family traditions and way of life, creating comfort at home.

A separate section of the exhibition "The Image of the Mother in Christianity" includes literature about the life of the Mother of God and icons dedicated to her, as well as Orthodox encyclopaedias and books related to the history of the image of the Mother of God of Minsk, one of the main Orthodox sanctity in Belarus.

In the collection "From the Bottom of the Heart" will learn about the mothers of famous national writers, artists, directors and world-renowned representatives of various creative professions.

The exhibition also features books about Belarusian mothers-heroines who raised five or more children. Their merits are marked with high state awards and titles, respect for the teams in which they work or have worked.

The exhibition will be of interest to a wide range of readers, especially young women, who will receive a lot of useful advice and recommendations.

The exhibition will run until  November 30, 2021.
The end date is subject to change.

The opening hours of the exhibition correspond to the library’s opening hours.
Admission is by the library card or by the Social and Cultural Centre ticket.

The books presented at the exhibition can be ordered through the electronic catalogue of the National Library of Belarus.

For more info: (+375 17) 293 29 80.

Gallery and Exhibition Department



Book heritage of the House of the Mamonichi


Since June 3, the Book Museum of the National Library of Belarus has organized an exhibition dedicated to the 450th anniversary of the beginning of one of the most prominent Belarusian publishing centers of the XVI – early XVII centuries – the Printing house of the Mamonichi.

The Great Battles of the Great Patriotic War


From June 3 to August 26, a thematic book exhibition "The Great Battles of the Great Patriotic War" was opened in the Legal Information reading room (room 207b), dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the strategic operation Bagration and the liberation of Belarus against the fascist invaders.

Belarus unconquered


From May 6 to July 5, the Reference and Information Service reading room (room 257) hosts the book exhibition "Belarus Unconquered", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders.

Happiness to see


The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Health or a cigarette – you choose!


From May 30 to June 30, the thematic book exhibition "Health or a cigarette – you choose!" dedicated to World No Tobacco Day is open in the international organizations reading room (room 207g).

Educational campaign "Find the Treasure"


On June 3, at 13.00 in the Labyrinth gallery of the National Library of Belarus, the final of the educational campaign "Find the Treasure" will take place, within which the winners of the campaign will be awarded prizes.