MainEventsEventsLibrarianship: History and Modernity
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Librarianship: History and Modernity

Librarianship: History and Modernity
Other events
September 14 – November 26
ring gallery (2nd floor)

Since September 14, the exhibition "Librarianship: History and Modernity" dedicated to the Library Day (September 15) has been running in the ring gallery of the 2nd floor.

Since ancient times, libraries have been considered the temples of the intellectual and spiritual development of mankind, repositories of unique knowledge. Huge funds were spent on their construction and decoration – the works of the best artists, carvers and sculptors were used.

Modern libraries are both treasures of handwritten and book monuments, and social institutions that unite people of different communities and ages in an effort to acquire high-quality knowledge. These are also cultural centers that help to spend your free time with taste, to touch artistic, literary and musical creativity.

The National Library of Belarus has prepared a thematic exhibition "Librarianship: History and Modernity" for its professional holiday. The exposition includes about 60 books and magazines published in Belarus and abroad.

Scientific and educational publications on the history of libraries, library legislation, management, sociological and scientific research, innovations in library and bibliographic services for readers, interlibrary interaction are among them. Some of the works are dedicated to famous people in the field of librarianship.

A number of articles tell about the history of the largest libraries of Belarus and Russia, analyze the activities of national libraries of the CIS countries. You can also learn about the history of the most famous libraries in the world in the French editions of “The most beautiful libraries of the world".

The presented publicity covers such issues as the role of the library in the information society, the preservation of traditions and the development of new technologies, innovations and project activities in libraries. Practical manuals of recent years are of great interest.: "Librarian's creative notebook“, ”Interactive and multimedia technologies for promoting reading“, ”Project management in Library and information activities“, ”The Library where it is interesting","Casebook of the best library projects of the beginning of the millennium", etc”

The exhibition will be of interest to librarians, teachers, museum workers and other workers in the field of culture and education who are interested in the state and prospects of development of libraries as social institutions for the development and education of citizens, as well as readers of all ages.

The exhibition runs from September 14 to November 26, 2023 in the ring gallery (2nd floor).
The completion date can be changed.

The opening hours of the exhibition correspond to the Library opening hours.
Admission is by a library card or by the Social and Cultural Center ticket.

The books presented at the exhibition can be ordered through the E-catalogue of the National Library of Belarus.

For more info: (+375 17) 293 29 80.

The material is provided by the department of gallery and exhibition activities.


Happiness to see


The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Health or a cigarette – you choose!


From May 30 to June 30, the thematic book exhibition "Health or a cigarette – you choose!" dedicated to World No Tobacco Day is open in the international organizations reading room (room 207g).

Talent, Kindness, Service


The book and illustrative exhibition "Talent, Kindness, Service", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the birth of Russian artist Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov (1844–1927), runs from May 24 to July 1 in the Fine Arts reading room (room 306).

The Song has Wings


The jubilee book exhibition "The Song has Wings", dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the Belarusian poet Adam Gerasimovich Rusak (1904–1987), takes place from May 22 to June 13 in the Belarusian Literature reading room (room 205).