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Kaleidoscope of talents in the National Library
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Big talent, big work, big heart

Big talent, big work, big heart
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An illustrated book exhibition dedicated to the winners of Belarusian state awards in 2016 runs in the National Library of Belarus (2nd floor, circular corridor), from 24 January to 28 February.

The exhibition “Big talent, big work, big heart” is dedicated to the winners of the award “For spiritual revival” and special prizes of the President of the Republic of Belarus to workers of arts and culture. The exposition includes books, catalogs, booklets, articles from periodicals and graphic documents. The exhibits from the library’s collections are about the laureates of 2016, whose spirituality and fruitful work praises the Motherland.

The prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus “For spiritual revival” is the state’s acknowledgement of great services of scientists and artists, their humanistic and charity activities. The prize is awarded annually for the best works of art and literature, philanthropy, promotion of artistic and moral traditions and spiritual values.

The Head of State Alexander Lukashenko, having examined the resolutions of the Ministry of Culture and the board of the Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus on the support of culture and arts, signed on 31 December, 2016, the Decree 516 “On awarding the prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus "For spiritual revival".

Abbot Eusebius (Constantine Tyuhlov), the rector of St. Eliseevsky Lavrishevsky monastery of the Novogrudok diocese, is among the winners of this high award. He has made a significant contribution to the spiritual, moral and patriotic education of young adults; the organization of activities of the monastery and the assistance to people in difficult life situations, as well as persons suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism.

The award winner is the staff of the Republican rehabilitation center for disabled children, which carries out a comprehensive work on the rehabilitation of disabled children aged from 3 to 18, creating a barrier-free environment and helping them to overcome certain stereotypes of thinking to inspire hope and faith in their own force.

The award is presented to the faculty of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, which actively develops and promotes volunteerism among students annually conducts over 800 charity events, holiday programs and theatrical shows for children in orphanages, boarding schools, social shelters and rehabilitation centers.

The Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus is also awarded the prize. The organization carries out a large number of events aimed at the patriotic education of citizens including children, students and young workers, economically active population, war and labor veterans. The large-scale reconstruction of the Mound of Glory is one of such events.

Sergey Sergachev, the head of the department of architecture of residential and public buildings of the Belarusian National Technical University, is awarded the prize for the book Folk Architecture of Belarus. History and Modernity, which is unique of its kind. The work on the book was carried out simultaneously with the author’s practical activity to preserve architectural objects of historical and artistic value.

The Head of State also signed the Decree 517 “On awarding the special prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus to workers of culture and arts in 2016”.

According to the Decree, 10 special prizes of the President of the Republic of Belarus were awarded, summing up the results of 2016.

The prize is awarded to the editorial board of the newspaper Holas Radzіmy, the head of department Ivan Zhdanovich and the special correspondent Catherine Medvedskaya, for fruitful cooperation with compatriots abroad and professional coverage of the intercultural dialogue in Belarus.

The award is presented to the team of authors of the Belarusian Telegraph Agency (BelTA): the photo editor Irina Bufetova, the director general Dmitry Zhuk, the head of department Ivan Sinichkin for the creation and implementation of the information and journalistic project "Sovereign Belarus: the era of achievements”, which through the archival and contemporary works from BelTA photo library illustrates the changes in Belarus over the past 20 years creating a contrasting impression of the changes that have occurred in the country.

The prize is awarded to the team of authors of the Belarusian TV and Radio Company: the deputy director of the TV channel "Belarus 24" Eugene Baranov, the chief director of the TV channel "Belarus 1" Elena Ladutko, the deputy director of the TV channel "Belarus 1" Olga Salamakha for the series of image video "We’ve made it together”, which are a visual demonstration of the achievements the country has made in various fields since the declaration of independence.

The artist and member of the Belarusian Union of Artists Constantine Vashchenko is among the winners of the special prize. He is awarded for a multi-volume facsimile edition The Book Heritage of Francysk Skaryna, which is distinguished by a high level of professionalism and an accurate portrayal of the era in which the first printer lived.

The special prize is awarded to the team of the state historical and cultural institution "The Museum-Estate of Michal Kleofas Oginski" for the creation and implementation of the project "The return of the Northern Athens”, which aims at promoting the composer’s heritage including through the revival of the tradition of the balls during the celebration of Christmas and the birth of Michal Kleofas Oginski.

The staff of the Minsk children’s music school No. 10 named after E. Glebov is awarded the prize for their significant contribution to the development and preservation of national culture and music through concerts, meetings with Belarusian composers, the concert series "Music of Belarusian composers in the hearts of our children,” and the International Children’s Competition named after Eugene Glebov.

The award is presented to the staff of the National Academic Theater named after Yanka Kupala for their significant contribution to the development of the Belarusian theatrical art, staging performances based on the works of Belarusian authors, the preservation and promotion of creativity of the classics of Belarusian literature and contemporary playwrights.

The staff of the public institution "The Palace of Culture in Molodechno" is awarded the special prize for the significant contribution to the development of amateur art, including the organization of activity of 35 amateur groups, 12 of which have the title "The honored (people’s, model) amateur collective of the Republic of Belarus", carrying out more than 100 events during the republican action "The cultural capital of the year”.

The prize is awarded to the Gomel State Circus for the significant contribution to the development and promotion of circus arts, the strengthening of international cultural co-operation, a high level of professionalism and charity shows for children from the areas affected by the Chernobyl accident.

The special prize is also awarded to Raisa Romanenya, the head of the honored amateur studio of arts and crafts "The Belarusian souvenir" (the Center of Children and Youth of the Soligorsk region) for her significant contribution to the revival and preservation of folk traditions, involving children and young adults into the national culture and the promotion of Belarusian arts in crafts in Belarus and abroad.

At the end of 2016, both individuals and author and creative teams were awarded for their outstanding work in the humanitarian sphere, which promotes the preservation of the national cultural heritage, patriotic education of youth, the strengthening of spiritual values, charity and mercy.


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National Library of Belarus News