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The Future Belongs to Youth!

The Future Belongs to Youth!
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The exhibition "The Future is for Youth!" dedicated to the International Youth Day. It's on show in the Official Documents Service Department (room 207) from August 7 to September 14.

The idea of approving this Day was proposed by the participants of the World Conference of Ministers for Youth Affairs, held from 8 to 12 August 1998 in Lisbon. The General Assembly endorsed the recommendation of the conference and proclaimed 12 August as International Youth Day On in the articles of the resolution 54/120 on 17 December 1999. This holiday has been celebrated annually since 2000.

Its main purpose is to inform society about the role of young people in the development and building of the world, as well as to turn attention to the everyday problems of the youth.  International Youth Day is dedicated to the rights of young people to full access to education, adequate health care, employment opportunities, financial services and full participation in public life.

The younger generation in all countries is a reserve for development, positive social change and technological innovation. The ideals, vigour and open-mindedness of young people play a central role in the continuous development of any society. However, today young people are faced with many problems associated with finding a decent job and wages, finding housing, providing daily needs, taking care of health.

Today, the world is home to the greatest number of young people ever, about 1.8 billion children and adolescents aged from 10 to 24 years. More than half of children and adolescents from 6 to 14 years old cannot read and count, up to 60% of young people in developing regions do not work and do not study or do only odd jobs. About 500 million young people living below the poverty line. Many children are unable to attend school, and thousands die every day from poverty and hunger.

The United Nations understands the importance of the problems and challenges of the young people and committed to effectively addressing these challenges at the global, regional and national levels.

The UN held the first International Year of Youth in 1985. Ten years later, in December 1995, the General Assembly adopted the World Program of Action for Youth, and in December 2007 the Program was expanded (resolution 62/126). The Program plays a key role in youth development currently. The document outlines measures to strengthen the action of states in the relation of the younger generation, as well as steps to improve the quality and expand the range of opportunities available to young people to take direct, effective and constructive participation in society.

The age limit for young people is determined from 16 to 30 years old In the Republic of Belarus. Its population at the beginning of this year was 1.8585 million people, that is, almost every fifth inhabitant of the republic. State youth policy is a priority direction of the social and economic policy of our country. Future hopes are linked to young people in our society.

The proposed thematic exhibition reveals the social, cultural, economic and political aspects of youth in modern society. The exposition features more than 100 publications: publications of foreign and domestic authors, documents of international organizations in Russian and English.

The exhibition includes the following thematic sections:

  • Youth in the modern world
  • Human Rights, Youth Rights
  • Youth policy around the world
  • Youth Education
  • Youth and the labour market
  • Youth health and recreation
  • State youth policy of the Republic of Belarus

The exhibition will be interesting for teachers, researchers, students, specialists in the field of demography, sociologists, government officials, as well as everyone who is interested in issues of youth policy in our country and the world.

Related links:

The opening hours of the exhibition correspond to the library’s opening hours.
Admission is by library card or by the ticket of the library's social and cultural center.

For more info: (+375 17) 293 27 28.

Official Documents Service Departmen


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

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Art exhibitions