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The modern library science: theory and practice

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From 13 September to 7 October, a book exhibition "The modern library science: theory and practice" dedicated to Libraries Day in the circular corridor on the 2nd floor.

Over the centuries, the role and responsibilities of libraries has remained unshakable. Libraries have been virtually monopolists in the field of storage of knowledge and information. In the modern information society, there is no guarantee for libraries that they will continue to perform the same role in the future. Nowadays librarians constantly have to prove their benefit to society by their knowledge and the quality of services.

On the eve of the professional holiday this question becomes particularly relevant for librarians. The proposed book exhibition will help to determine the place and status of libraries in the new information environment. The exposition contains materials about the latest world new developments used in the library activities, about domestic and foreign experience of entry of libraries in the digital age.

Information technologies don’t only create conditions for competition between libraries and the Internet, but they also provide new opportunities for library and bibliographic activities. A number of books includes the detailed description of the experience on the effective management of libraries during the global economic crisis, the learning of information culture of users, the use of the Internet at all library processes, beginning with the acquisition and processing of books to the service of readers.

Trying to keep up with the times, libraries are actively engaged in digitizing their collections, creating a "parallel worlds" – libraries’ electronic collections. The pioneers of these worlds generously share with their vision, experience, and the results of practical work of virtual libraries in the pages of their monographs.

The exhibition features about 200 recently published documents in Russian, Belarusian, English and German. The exhibited materials will be undoubtedly interesting for specialists and will be useful for representatives of various areas of library activities who seek to be competent and professionally demanded.

Tel.: (+375 17) 293 29 80, 293 28 86.


"On the paths of bright spring" by Pavlyuk Trus

21 May 2024

On May 16, participants of the National Library of Belarus project "On the wave of time throughout life" visited the Uzden Central District Library named after Pavlyuk Trus, where they took part in the literary and musical festival "On the paths of bright spring..." dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the poet, member of the association "Maladnyak", native of Uzden region
Pavlyuk Trus (1904-1929).

To the 100th Anniversary of “Maladnyak"

Digital History

18 May 2024

On May 18 the National Library of Belarus hosted the grand opening of the Digital History Lecture festival with the support of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives.

National Library of Belarus News