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The poetry of home space

The poetry of home space
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From 16th May to 16th June, an exhibition "The poetry of home space” devoted to the 110th anniversary from the birth of Russian painter and master of the lyrical landscape N.M. Romadin (1903–1987) runs in the Visual materials reading room (room 307).

”Romadin’s paintings are an integral part of nature. They are its living pieces. From these pictures it is possible to be cold on the wind, to inhale a spring river chill, to get wet through from the rain, to smell the scent of warm pine needles”, – K.G. Paustovsky wrote about the essence of landscape creativity of one of the most outstanding masters in Soviet art.

To make the world depicted on the canvas alive and quivering – such is the task of the painter whose art is filled with the pathos of an infinite beauty of the real world, and his creative success finally depends on how he solves this task. For this purpose it is not enough to depict precisely a landscape motive for the picture will turn to an internally empty model. The struggle against such a dry, passionless copying of nature, the struggle for a poetical and spiritualized attitude to it characterizes Nicolay Romadin’s creative career.

Reproductions of the artist’s works presented at the expositions allow the visitor to feel the effect of presence of nature and to plunge into its marvelous, bewitching world. The master’s canvases “River Tsarevna” / “Река Царевна”, “Spring” / “Весна”, “Willows on High Water” / “Вербы в половодье”, “A Spring Day” / “Весенний день” transfer the romanticism of renewal, the breath of freshness in spring currents of the ground, the scope of high water where coastal trees stand, and the air is transparent and pure. Paintings “Kerzhenets” / “Керженец”, “River Slavyanka” / “Река Славянка”, “Flooded Woodland” / “Затопленный лес”, “Backwoods” / “Лесная глушь”,A Forest Lake” / “Лесное озеро” discover a melodious fairytale of silent forest lakes and the epic stronghold of dense pine forests, which are already “not a wood, but the whole versatile world full of visions and miracles”.

The exhibition includes about 80 documents which present most completely N. Romadin’s creative work. Among them there are albums, journals, postcards, reproductions, reference editions.

The exposition is designed for all categories of readers who are interested in landscape painting and Soviet art.

Contact phone number: (+375 17) 293 27 58.


"On the paths of bright spring" by Pavlyuk Trus

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