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5 years – 5 visits

Turning over the pages of magazines on fiction

Turning over the pages of magazines on fiction
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From 3 March to 30 April, an exhibition "Turning over the pages of magazines on fiction" runs in the Periodicals Reading Room (room 106).

Modern literary process is extremely complicated and contradictory. On the one hand, being at the interfaces between two centuries, literature is summing up a kind of artistic and aesthetic explorations of the 20th century. On the other, it also outlines the prospects for its development in the XXI century due to its experiments and discoveries.

Today men of different generations create literature including those who have created their works in the Soviet period, and those who have worked in the underground, and those who have started writing recently.

The exposition represents periodicals which contain works of different genres of Belarusian and foreign poets, novelists, critics, writers and translators. Readers will learn about new publications of literary masters such as S. Aleksiyevich, A. Avrutin, L. Rublevskaya, A. Globus, V. Shnip and others, as well as with works of young authors, for example, Alex Po’s unusual stories.

There are interesting and exciting materials in magazines Znamya (column "Unformat"), Inostrannaya literatura (column "A writer travels"), etc. For example, there can be read works of our classics in the magazine Neman (column "Heritage"), interviews with famous people of the contemporary literary process – in the magazine Maladost (column "Inquirer").

The exhibition contains more than 30 editions in periodicals.

Telephone: (375 17) 293 25 87.


"On the paths of bright spring" by Pavlyuk Trus

21 May 2024

On May 16, participants of the National Library of Belarus project "On the wave of time throughout life" visited the Uzden Central District Library named after Pavlyuk Trus, where they took part in the literary and musical festival "On the paths of bright spring.." dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the poet, member of the association "Maladnyak", native of Uzden region Pavlyuk Trus (1904-1929).

To the 100th Anniversary of “Maladnyak"

Digital History

18 May 2024

On May 18 the National Library of Belarus hosted the grand opening of the Digital History Lecture festival with the support of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives.

National Library of Belarus News