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A separate and special edition

A separate and special edition
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The presentation of the first volume of N. Ulashchyk’s works took place in the National Library on March 28.

Nikolay Ulashchyk is a historian, archeographer, source-study expert, translator and writer who is among Belarusian historians of the 20th century. His name is well-known beyond Belarus, his scientific works are referred to by foreign scientists. And it’s no surprise, because his heritage is really great! There are 4 scientific monographs and one more unfinished, memoirs, historic and ethnographic essay about his native village, manifold articles, reviews – nearly three thousand pages were given to future generations by the scientist!

It took much time to make all preparations to publish N. Ulashchyk’s collection of works. However, the first volume appeared in the publishing house Інбелкульт at the beginning of 2017. It contains monographs Нарысы па археаграфіі і крыніцазнаўству гісторыі Беларусі феадальнага перыяду and Уводзіны ў вывучэнне беларуска-літоўскага летапісання, articles, reviews and forewords to the correspondent articles, and posthumous editions which were planned as continuation of the chosen thematic series. The majority of N. Ulashchyk’s works are written in Russian, a part of them is in Belarusian and some of them in Polish. This edition in Belarusian symbolically returns the historian’s heritage to the motherland and makes it available to a wide audience.

As part of the event, there took place a meeting with editors and publishers and familiarization with other novelties of the publishing house. The event was attended by head of the editorial team of the publication Dmitriy Vitka, director of the Belarusian Research Center for Electronic Documentation Vyacheslav Nosevich, head of the Center for Special Historical Sciences of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Valentin Golubev, head of Department of the Belarusian History of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times of the History Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Vasily Voronin, chief editor of the Belarusian historical journal, one of the editors Maxim Galperovich.

Contact phone: (+375 17) 293 79 80, 293 27 56, 266 37 37.


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