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Creative activity "A Postcard for Mom"
A museum lesson entitled "Secrets of antique printed publications: discovering and understanding herbariums" was presented by the library

Belarusians from abroad visited the National Library of Belarus

Belarusians from abroad visited the National Library of Belarus
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Anatoly Markevich, the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, met with leaders of overseas non-professional (amateur) art groups and public organisations of Belarusians abroad on October 24 as part of a creative internship at the library.

The creative internship included 39 representatives of international Belarusians from seven countries: Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, the United States of America, and Estonia.

The visitors learned about the activities of the country's primary library, its history, unique architecture, and information resources. A visit to the Book Museum was a lovely continuation of the meeting.

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, Republican Center of National Cultures, National Library of Belarus were responsible for organizing the event.

Since 2016, the Republican Center of National Cultures has hosted creative internships as part of the "Belarusians in the World" programme, which aims to popularise Belarusian culture in the nations where Belarusians have adopted residence. These internships are very well-liked by members of the Belarusian diaspora. The program's participants learn Belarusian music, dances, rites, and traditions in-depth, and they also attend master sessions in ornamental and applied arts.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions