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Delegation from Kamchatka Territory visited the National Library of Belarus

Delegation from Kamchatka Territory visited the National Library of Belarus
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The visit of the delegation from the Kamchatka Territory of the Russian Federation was dedicated to the upcoming 170th anniversary of the Petropavlovsky Defense - one of the most significant events of the Crimean War of 1853-1856.

The meeting was attended by Acting Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Evgeny Vereshchaga, a writer and journalist, member of the Union of Writers of Russia Sergey Vakhrin, the attache of the Russian Federation Embassy in the Republic of Belarus Nikita Shpak and Deputy Director General of the National Library of Belarus Viktar Pshybytka.


The parties discussed the possibility of participation of the main library of Belarus in the events dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the Petropavlovsky Defense, which will be held in 2024.

The Russian delegation handed over to the library the book by Sergei Vakhrin "The Petropavlovsky Defense of 1854. The Book of Memory" is the second edition of the series "Kamchatka – Russia – the World". The project reveals the historical and spiritual ties of Kamchatka with the regions of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, whose representatives have left their mark in the history of the region.


The author of the book gives a chronology of the defense of Petropavlovsk Port (now Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) by Russian troops from the superior forces of the combined Anglo-French squadron and also enumerates the participants of this battle. The two natives of Belarus: Nikita Vasilyevich Vasilyev (born in 1810 in Lepelsky district of Vitebsk province) and Stanislav Fedorovich Haryutyunyuk (born in 1821 in Brest district of the Grodno province) are among them.

More detailed information about the above-described historical events can be obtained here.

The material was provided by the Public Relations Department.


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