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The X International Congress "Library as a Cultural Phenomenon" has ended
X International Congress "Library as a cultural phenomenon": Day one

Exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the Kuteinsky Epiphany Monastery has opened in the Book Museum

Exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the Kuteinsky Epiphany Monastery has opened in the Book Museum
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On October 19, within the framework of the X International Congress "Library as a cultural phenomenon", the Book Museum hosted the opening of the exhibition "Book Treasures of the Kuteyinsky Monastery" dedicated to the 400th anniversary of its foundation.

Vadzim Hihin, Director General of the National Library of Belarus, addressed the participants and guests of the event with a welcoming speech. He recalled the words of Vladimir Korotkevich from the preface to the play "The Names of Viciebsk" that the time when the monastery was founded was a period of defending the cultural identity of Belarusians. It was the monastic fraternities that preserved the true spiritual values and gave a galaxy of famous Belarusian enlighteners.

 The representatives of the Minsk Theological Academy named after St. Cyril of Turov took part in the event. Head of the Metropolitan Filaret Library of the Minsk Theological Academy Ilya Perchenko, expressed gratitude for the invitation and noted the scale of the anniversary events held at the Kuteyinsky Epiphany Monastery in September 2023. A postal block issued in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus for a significant anniversary date was donated to the National Library. The gift will be presented at the exhibition.

The pages of the history of the monastery were clarified in his speech by the Master of Historical Sciences, an employee of the Minsk Theological Academy Alexey Demidov.

Irina Zhukovskaya, an associate professor of the Department of Music History and Musical Belarusian Studies of the Belarusian State Academy of Music, Candidate of Art History, told in detail about the significance, uniqueness and features of such a book monument of the XVII century as the musical collection "Irmologion" from the monastery book collection.

Maria Shopina, the head of the Research Department of Book Studies, introduced the exposition to the audience.The guests had the opportunity to see church historical sources dedicated to the history of the Kuteyinsky Epiphany Monastery, publications of the monastery printing house - the main center of Cyrillic printing of the XVII century in the lands of Belarus, as well as a number of interesting Cyrillic publications and manuscripts of the XVII–XVIII centuries from the collections of the National Library of Belarus, which have records of belonging to the Kuteyinsky monastery.

The exhibition was created within the framework of the X International Congress "Library as a cultural phenomenon" and will work at the Book Museum (room 347) until November 30, 2023.
The date of its completion can be changed.

The opening hours of the exhibition correspond to the book museum opening hours.
Admission to exhibition is by the library ticket or ticket of the library's social and cultural center.

Phone numbers for inquiries:  (+375 17) 293 27 81(+375 17) 293 27 22.

The material was provided by the Research Department of Book Studies.


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