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Free classes on obtaining basic knowledge and basic skills of working with a personal computer

Free classes on obtaining basic knowledge and basic skills of working with a personal computer
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On November 23, weekly classes for beginning PC users "Computer from scratch" were held at the National Library of Belarus.

During the classes, students received basic knowledge about the capabilities of a modern home computer; learned how to use a personal computer correctly and competently, how to work with the Word text editor, with basic programs and the Internet. In practice, users were able to work with text editors, spreadsheets, saved and printed the text. Various educational materials, presentations and electronic files were used to conduct the lesson.

The material is provided by the official documents service department.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions