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Innovation activity of regional libraries: scientific and methodological angle

Innovation activity of regional libraries: scientific and methodological angle
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On November 14, 2008, in National Library of Belarus took place the round table “Innovation activity of regional libraries: scientific and methodological angle”.

Representatives of the Ministry of Culture, regional executive committees’ cultural administrations, heads of regional libraries and National Library of Belarus participated in the event.

During the meeting were discussed the following issues: the modern state of Belarusian public libraries, improvement of normative and legal basis, development and use of information resources, as well as acquisition of social and methodological literature. A particular attention was paid to the issues of the development of internet-technologies in libraries, library web-sites examination, and work of the NLB’s virtual center of legal information and virtual reading room.

Workers of regional libraries exchanged their experience in the field of scientific and methodological activity.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions