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Manuscripts are a primary source in studying national heritage

Manuscripts are a primary source in studying national heritage
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On 13–14 March, an international scientific conference "Manuscripts are a primary source in studying national heritage" attended by the workers of the National Library of Belarus was held in Ashgabat (Turkmenistan).

The event was organized by the National Institute of Manuscripts named after Turkmenbashi of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan under the patronage of President of Turkmenistan Gurbangul Berdymuhamedov. Besides, the workers from scientific and educational institutions of Turkmenistan, there were 60 participants from 30 countries of Asia, the Middle East and Europe.

Among the participants there were Director of the National Library of Belarus R. Motulsky, who read a paper "Chronicles as a source on the history of Belarus", and chief librarian of the Bibliology Division T. Kornilova with a paper "Oriental manuscripts in the collections of the National Library of Belarus (compiling the catalog of manuscripts)".

The conference included 2 Plenary Sessions and the work of 5 sections:

  • "The study of manuscripts in the era of prosperity of a strong state and the possibility to develop international cooperation in this field",
  • "Manuscript is a reliable source of learning language, literature and national heritage",
  • "Mystery pages of history and manuscripts texts",
  • "Modern facilities and innovative experience for the conservation of manuscripts",
  • "Manuscripts: basic issues of cataloging and scientific abstracts".

It was proposed for the participants of the conference to establish on the basis of the National Institute of Manuscripts named after Turkmenbashi a coordinating center for identification, collecting, description and study of manuscripts, creating a joint catalog and a full-text database of oriental manuscripts.

Since the National Library of Belarus keeps 31 oriental manuscripts and all the manuscripts have been processed, described and prepared for publication in a printed catalog, the Belarusian side expressed readiness to participate in the project. In order to create a consolidated database of oriental manuscripts and to make jointly a printed catalog, the National Library of Belarus is ready to provide all the necessary materials to the National Institute of Manuscripts named after Turkmenbashi.

In the framework of the conference Director of the National Library of Belarus R. Motulsky visited the National Library of Turkmenistan named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi and negotiated with Director of the Library G. Muhammetkulieva. It was shown a great interest to continue cooperation with the National Library of Belarus, especially, in the field of book exchange.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions