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Presentation of monograph on campanology

Presentation of monograph on campanology
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On 27 May, a presentation of Elena Shatko’s monograph Bells and Peals of Orthodox Temples in the Western Regions of Belarus: history and present day dedicated to the 1025th anniversary of the Christening of Russia was held in the Library.

At the event the first speaker who said a welcoming speech was confessor of the Brotherhood of bell ringers of the Belarusian Orthodox Church archpriest Oleg Shulgin. He marked the invaluable contribution of the author and preservation of many centuries history of a bell ring in Belarus.

Elena Shatko in her speech told about the history of writing this monograph, visiting more than 200 temples in the southern regions of Belarus where she conversed with parishioners, bell ringers, representatives of clergy, described bells and their ring. Her main task was to introduce wide public with this art and to save a piece of the Belarusian bell art for the future generations, save traditions of rural bell ringers, regenerate it and increase.

The presentation included speeches of Candidate of theological sciences, head of the department on the Bible studies and Christian dogma of the Institute of Theology of the BSU archpriest Sergy Gordun, president of the Belarusian union of musical figures, artist, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus and the Prize “For the spiritual revival” Mikhail Drinevsky, arts critic, member of three Belarusian professional unions – painters, disainers and cinematographers – Tatiana Bembel.

The event also included musical performances. The youth chorus Visson under the direction of Master of Arts Alena Vysotskaya and the children’s chorus of the 8th Musical arts school under the direction of Irina Rezanova sang church motets.
