MainNewsNational Library of Belarus News
June 24 – 120th Anniversary of the Birth of the Classic of Belarusian Literature Kuzma Chorny
New Facilities of the Library in the New Building. On Air on ONT

Prestige of a Librarian and Silence in the Library on the Air of the ONT Channel

Prestige of a Librarian and Silence in the Library on the Air of the ONT Channel
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The National Library celebrated the 14th anniversary of the opening of the new building. Today it is a scientific, informational and sociocultural center.

Mr Roman Motulsky, Director General of the National Library of Belarus, became a guest of the "Markov. Nothing Extra" TV show.

Mr Motulsky spoke about the modern library during the show, he talked about the prestige of the librarian profession, the value of books, the provision of reliable information and the demand for knowledge in modern society, as well as how to access world information resources with the support of the National Library of Belarus.

The whole conversation is in the video:

Public Relations Department

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Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions