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Results of the 5th Republican Contest "The Library as the Center of Spiritual Education and Upbringing" Have Been Approved

Results of the 5th Republican Contest "The Library as the Center of Spiritual Education and Upbringing" Have Been Approved
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On November 15, 2019, the Belarusian Orthodox Church officially approved the results of the 5th Republican Contest "The Library as the Center of Spiritual Education and Upbringing."

The competition is held annually with the aim of enhancing the educational activities of Belarusian libraries for the formation of spiritual and moral qualities, and with the purpose of improving their work on cultivating patriotism and citizenship in children and young adults on the basis of Orthodox traditions.

The competition was established by the Belarusian Exarchate of Moscow Patriarchate. Co-organizers are the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the Authorized Body for Religions and Nationalities, and the National Library of Belarus.

he contest was organized and held by the Synodal Department for Religious Education and Catechization of the Belarusian Orthodox Church and the National Library of Belarus.

62 works were presented in four nominations: “Spiritual and Moral Upbringing of Children and Young Adults,” “The History of Orthodoxy in Belarus,” “The Family is a Heir of Moral and Spiritual Values," and “Patriotic Upbringing Based on Orthodox Traditions.”

At the republican stage of the competition, winners were named in each nomination among urban and rural libraries. The republican jury selected 44 participating libraries as prize winners.

The award ceremony will be held during the 5th Belarusian Christmas Lectures, on November 29–30, 2019.

The jury thanks all the participants who submitted their works for the competition, appreciates their caring, responsibility and active citizenship, and hopes that from year to year the competition will contribute to the improvement of libraries for the benefit of spiritual education and spiritual and moral upbringing.

Library Science Research Department


Happiness to see

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