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Search for scientific information on natural sciences and speech therapy

Search for scientific information on natural sciences and speech therapy
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On February 27, 2024, on the basis of the National Library of Belarus, training sessions were held for a team of first-year students of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University and the Institute of Inclusive Education of BSPU, within the framework of bilateral cooperation between educational institutions and the main library of the country.

The students got acquainted with the traditional and electronic resources of the National Library of Belarus. The future teachers were presented with the following opportunities: registration on the portal and platforms of purchased resources for remotely ordering printed documents and reading electronic online, selecting and editing literature lists for scientific papers, using free virtual reference services, checking texts for borrowings in the Anti-Plagiarism and Plagiarism Control systems, electronic delivery of digital copies of document fragments.

Future professors (speech therapy, biology and geography) mastered the algorithms of information search, taking into account the studied disciplines, by dividing into three teams. During the training, the students carried out a thematic search on the resources produced by the National Library of Belarus, purchased licensed databases and open access scientific resources. The practical part was also aimed at deepening knowledge about the elements of the book, the structure of publications, the pre-book bibliography, auxiliary indexes of reference publications.

First-year students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences acquired knowledge and skills to search for literature on: biology, geography, zoology of vertebrates and invertebrates, botany, ecology and biological foundations of agriculture, dendrology, geology, topography, general earth science and school tourism, socio-economic geography.

Speech therapy students formed lists of sources about the causes, mechanisms, symptoms, course and structure of speech disorders, theory of speech therapy, practice and system of corrective action. Future specialists in the field of correctional pedagogy were interested in materials for preparing reports for republican conferences in the field of speech therapy, since traditionally students of the specialty "Speech Therapy" take an active part in such events.

The children registered on the platforms of licensed databases for remote use in the educational process of textbooks and teaching aids, illustrated reference books and conceptual and terminological dictionaries in the field of speech therapy, documentary fiction and treatises on geography, collections of tasks, exercises and reference books on biology, illustrated classifications of the main varieties of meadow grasses, etc.

The special interest of the search teams of biologists, geographers and speech therapists was aroused by materials on woody and shrubby plants and flower and ornamental nurseries, phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech and alalia, impaired speech tempo and stuttering, the formation of speech activity in non-speaking children using innovative technologies, ways to prevent, identify and eliminate speech disorders by means of special education and upbringing.


During the visit to the main library of the country, the students got acquainted with the location of reading rooms, the department of literature issuance and the central auxiliary fund, catering and copying stations, exhibition galleries. After classes, the students visited the exhibitions of posters "The language of military illustrations" (combat and portrait sketches, pocket-sized books for the front, satirical illustrations) dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The collections of the National Library of Belarus contribute to the formation of deep and extensive knowledge, research and pedagogical skills of practical work, knowledge of the laws of nature and the ability to apply this knowledge in practice in the fields of natural sciences. The main library of the country has a large array of scientific and educational information for high-quality training of speech therapy students, contributing to the solution of research tasks, the formation of new knowledge and the expansion of the professional horizons of future specialists in the field of correctional pedagogy.

The topics of the training sessions of the National Library of Belarus on the formation of information culture of users are diverse: "Search for scientific information on the Internet", "Acquired databases", "Electronic resources created by the National Library", "Basics of search: catalogs, bibliography, reference publications", "Search for information on electronic and card catalogs", "Resources and library services: briefly about the main thing", "Design of a bibliography for scientific work", "How to use resources without leaving home". You can order a lesson by phone: (+375 17) 293 27 39, E-mail: .

The information was provided by the reference and information department.


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