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Seminar Timed to the Day of the Orthodox Book

Seminar Timed to the Day of the Orthodox Book
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A seminar under the title "Eternal meeting’s unfading light: this is a book!", timed to the Day of the Orthodox Book, was held in Lida District Library named after Yanka Kupala, on 21 March.

The organizers are Lida Regional Library named after Yanka Kupala and the Lida Eparchy of the Belarusian Exarchate.

A joint exhibition project “Eternal truths’ unfading light: this is a book!” ran in Lida Regional Library, from March 15 to March 21. The exposition was visited by more than 200 people.

Priest Artemy Popko and head of Lida City Library No. 4 Valentina Golmant introduced the attendees with handwritten and early-printed books and facsimile editions presented at the exhibition.

Chief librarian of the Library Science Research Department of the National Library of Belarus Olga Rynkevich, lecturer at Minsk Theological Seminary, Candidate of Theology, Protodeacon Gennady Maleev, and head of the Library Science Department of Grodno Regional Scientific Library named after Evfimy Karsky Galina Stepanova delivered reports.

The event ended with musical performances by students of Lidsky College.

Library Science Research Department


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions