MainNewsNational Library of Belarus News
On the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory: Belarus Remembers You, Mamadali!
Excursion for foreign students

To the attention of authors, researchers, publishers!

To the attention of authors, researchers, publishers!
Other news

For the publication of your work (article, abstract of dissertation, dissertation, book) according to modern standards, an obligatory element of output information is the indication of UDC indices (BBK indices, GRNTI rubrics and author's mark).

The high-quality design of these elements in the document ensures the exact place of your publication among other recorded results of intellectual activity, including in the global information space. The presence of these data in the document is the basis for the systematization of knowledge accumulated by mankind in libraries, databases, and other information resources.

The National Library of Belarus is a scientific, methodological and coordinating center in the field of librarianship, including in terms of semantic processing of documents – indexing publications in accordance with current classifications. Highly qualified specialists of the library are ready to perform high-quality registration of UDC, BBK indexes, GRNTI headings and the author's mark for your work.

The offered service is carried out according to the price list of paid services individually online or directly in the library. Publishing houses and publishing organizations have the opportunity to conclude a contract for the provision of a paid service "Document indexing".

A number of institutions of higher education, publishing houses, as well as individuals have already appreciated the benefits of cooperation with the National Library of Belarus and are its long-standing partners.

The material was provided by the Department of Document Indexing and Authoritative Control.


The Belarusian Notary Chamber and the National Library of Belarus: keeping history together

5 Jun 2024

On June 5, in the Hall of Educational Technologies of the NLB, within the framework of the previously signed agreement on cooperation in the field of information activities between the Belarusian Notary Chamber and the National Library of Belarus, a solemn transfer to the library's collections of a unique publication dedicated to the stages of the formation of the institute of notary in the Belarusian lands took place.

National Library of Belarus News

Book heritage of the House of the Mamonichi

3 Jun 2024

Since June 3, the Book Museum of the National Library of Belarus has organized an exhibition dedicated to the 450th anniversary of the beginning of one of the most prominent Belarusian publishing centers of the XVI – early XVII centuries – the Printing house of the Mamonichi.

Book exhibitions

June 3–9, 1944. 13 weeks before Liberation

4 Jun 2024

A new project of the National Library of Belarus is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War – "Reading newspaper lines with your heart. On the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders."
Every week from January to August 2024, the portal of the National Library publishes materials from newspapers of Soviet Belarus in 1944, reflecting the chronicle of news and events of that time.

Reading newspaper lines with your heart. To the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders

Belarus unconquered

3 Jun 2024

From May 6 to July 5, the Reference and Information Service reading room (room 257) hosts the book exhibition "Belarus Unconquered", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders.

Book exhibitions