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Unique Manuscript by Mikhail Mickiewicz, Brother of Yakub Kolas

Unique Manuscript by Mikhail Mickiewicz, Brother of Yakub Kolas
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A unique manuscript − the translation of the Gospel into Belarusian by Mikhail Mickiewicz, the younger brother of Yakub Kolas was solemnly presented on February 21 in the Book Museum.

The Deputy Director for Research and Publishing of the National Library of Belarus Alexander Susha made a welcome speech. He introduced the granddaughter of Yakub Kolas, Maria Mickiewicz. Maria told the participants of the event about her famous relative, read out extracts from his works and donated some rare publications to the library fund.

A unique handwritten translation of the Gospel into Belarusian by Mikhail Mickiewicz will be exposed in the Book Museum for only one day. However, with the consent of the successor, digitized copies of the manuscript are already available to library readers.

The participants of the event got acquainted with the original translation of the Gospel, as well as with some other books from the Mikhail Mickiewicz’s heritage, our glorious countryman, who managed to do a lot for the preservation and revival of the native language.

For more info: (+ 375 17) 293 27 22.

The article is provided by the Bibliology Research Department.


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1 Jun 2024

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