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Universal Decimal Classification as means of document indexing

Universal Decimal Classification as means of document indexing
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On October, 15th, 2009, in National Library of Belarus took place a republican seminar “Universal Decimal Classification as means of document indexing”.

More than 70 experts from republican and university libraries of Belarus, National Book Chamber, and National Library of Belarus (NLB) participated in the seminar.

The seminar had been prepared by the NLB documents indexing department with participation of the Committee on cataloguing of the Belarusian Library Association.

There were delivered papers of leading experts of the NLB in which methodical decisions in complex cases of indexing of specialized documents and documents in foreign languages were covered.

The comparative analysis of the 3-rd and 4-th editions of tables of the Universal decimal classifications (UDC) (printed and electronic variants) was made; the issues of maintenance of regular card catalogues organized according to the UDC system (the4-th full edition in Russian) were examined. Listeners got acquainted with formation of a search image of the document and realization of subject search in the NLB electronic catalogue according to the UDC system.

Participants S.A. Pugacheva., E.S. Sidorenko, T.A. Cimonova, A.F. Berkreneva, N.I. Kovalevskaya (1,2), L.V. Alimova, A.N. Kryuchkova,  ЛA.I. Lavrinovich and Z.A. Petrovskaya delivered their papers.

Besides that, participants of the seminar had the opportunity to visit the NLB documents indexing department and bibliographic processing of documents and maintenance of the national database of authoritative records department with the purpose of acquaintance with technology of cataloguing.

During the seminar representatives of the Belarusian community of cataloguists got acquainted with new methodical development of the NLB and leading Russian libraries on application of the UDC. Expert of Belarusian Agricultural Library I.S. Lupinovich made a presentation of the UDC database on CD.


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