MainNewsNational Library of Belarus News
Project "On a Visit to the Books" at the Belarusian Agricultural Library
Her Majesty Fashion

We remember the Victory Day

We remember the Victory Day
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On April 27, on the eve of the Day of the Great Victory, the National Library of Belarus hosted a meeting of the primary organization of Belarusian Republican Youth Union activists and representatives of the Vitebsk regional non-governmental organization "Belarusian Association of Former Minor Prisoners of Fascism”.

The organization brings together people who were born in the camps or forcibly taken to Germany with their mothers.

The guests made an excursion to the library and visited the Book Museum and the observation deck. Three groups of tourists became acquainted with the library’s readership area, learned how to order and receive documents from the book depository, and viewed art panels in the atrium and circular corridors.

At the Book Museum the visitors shown a genuine interest in the collection of rare books, manuscripts and early printed books, as well as the "pearl" of the exposure – two Bibles of Francysk Skaryna published in Prague.

At the end of the tour the guests visited the library’s observation deck and enjoyed a panoramic view of the city.

The most emotional point of the meeting was the presentation of gifts from the Youth Union and memorable photos.



Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions