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Congratulations on the 85th anniversary of Larisa Vladimirovna Gurskaya!
The library congratulates on the 100th anniversary of the literary association "Maladnyak"!

Webinar on the formation of electronic collections and the role of the restorer in their creation

Webinar on the formation of electronic collections and the role of the restorer in their creation
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On November 28, the National Library hosted a webinar with specialists from regional libraries of Belarus on the formation of NBB electronic collections for public access and the role of the restorer in their creation.

Vladimir Kuznetsov, the Head of the Digitization Center for ensuring the safety of library documents, addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.

In her report, Oksana Buychik, the Head of the sector of the electronic library Formation Department, familiarized the audience with the NBB's electronic collections in the field of culture and art and their role in popularizing the national cultural heritage.

Olga Isaeva, the Head of the sector of the Department of Restoration and Preservation of library documents, reviewed the specifics of the necessary restoration work before scanning and forming an electronic copy of the library document.

The webinar was attended by the heads and staff of the National and regional libraries.

The material was provided by the digitization center for ensuring the safety of library documents.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions