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Congratulations to Lyudmila Shatko, a National Library veteran, on her 80th birthday!

Congratulations to Lyudmila Shatko, a National Library veteran, on her 80th birthday!
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Lyudmila Fyodorovna was born in 1942 in the household of an agronomist in the town of Smilovichi, Rudensky district, Minsk region.

The girl attended the Lenin primary school's first grade in 1949. Lyudmila continued her education at the Loshitsa Seven-Year School as a result of her father's relocation to a new place of employment. She then promptly enrolled in the part-time programme at the Minsk Library Technical School named after A.S. Pushkin (at that time the educational institution was located in Minsk). She completed the 8–10 form curriculum at secondary school No. 15 in the city while also attending the technical school.

At the age of 17, Lyudmila was engaged as an assistant librarian in the Department of Foreign Literature at the State Library of the BSSR named after V.I. Lenin, which is now the National Library of Belarus.

Years later, Lyudmila Fyodorovna recalled this event in her life: "In 1959, in the month of August, while a reader and student at the MTB [Minsk Library Technical School], I entered Leninka. I was preparing to take an exam in my specialty. I found the literature in the teaching room, and after a while, I was informed that the director, Iosif Benzianovich Simanovsky, was in need of assistant librarians. He spoke with me and explained that he was currently preoccupied with a crucial work, but that in a few days he would have more time to solve my question. After a few days, I dutifully returned, and then after a few more days. Finally, on October 6, 1959, I was hired in the foreign literature section, insektor, as Simanovsky said."

The girl had enrolled in the evening programme of the Library Faculty of the Minsk Pedagogical Institute named after A.M. Gorky (now the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank) when she completed secondary special education in 1960. She successfully completed it in five years and was awarded a diploma as a highly qualified librarian-bibliographer.

Lyudmila Fyodorovna, who had previously worked for four years in the general reading room, was promoted to librarian in the Department of Readers' Services in 1963 before switching back to the Department of Foreign Literature.

Lyudmila Fyodorovna, second from the right, 1960's. 

L.F. Shatko's excellent professional skills were noticed by the management and in 1968 she was transferred to the position of senior librarian, in 1976 to the position of senior editor in the department. She was the head of the group of storage of foreign literature, led the entire complex of works related to the storage and use of pre-revolutionary and pre-war books.

Lyudmila Fyodorovna's extensive work experience, high professionalism, knowledge of several foreign languages, and excellent organizational skills became the basis for her appointment in 1978 as head of the foreign literature storage and use sector.

Lyudmila Fyodorovna third from the right 

L.F. Shatko's personal contribution to the development of the library and librarianship of the country was recognized with a number of commendations, a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Culture of the BSSR and the Belarussian Trade Union of Cultural Workers, and a medal "Veteran of Labor". Her photo was often seen on the library's Honor Roll.

Lyudmila Fyodorovna is sitting down 

Lyudmila Fyodorovna devoted 30 years of her professional life to the library, leaving a vivid and memorable trace in its history. Since 1989, she has worked in the library of secondary School No 40 in Minsk.

"Lyudmila Shatko is a sparkling, witty giggler. Well, it is impossible, even with a strong desire, to indulge in despondency in her presence!" so her colleagues described her with admiration.

The National Library's staff extends its heartfelt congratulations to Lyudmila Fyodorovna on her anniversary and bestows upon her a long life, boundless vitality, and well-being. Let happiness and light fill your every day, comfort rule your home, and harmony and peace rule your soul!

The article is prepared by Irina Kuketa and Kristina Frantskevich, employees of the Library science department.

Read about veterans and employees of the National Library of Belarus in the news section "Portraits: the history of the library in faces".


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