MainNewsTo the 100th anniversary of the National Library of Belarus
In memory of Yuri Nikolaevich Stolyarov
The grand opening of the second exhibition from the cycle "Dawn of Liberation is Breaking Over Belarus" and the presentation of books by Dmitry Chernyavsky

Source of knowledge: names and events. Based on the materials of the periodical press of 1963–1965 of the "NLB in Press"

Source of knowledge: names and events. Based on the materials of the periodical press of 1963–1965 of the "NLB in Press"
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In the periodical press of this period, many publications by employees of the Lenin State Library appeared, which introduced the reader to the activities of the institution: methodological and bibliographic assistance to libraries of the republic, the release and distribution of library reference books through bookstores, interesting exhibitions; revealed the fund of rare ancient books.

The wealth and value of any library are rare editions. Autographed books by the authors are the pride of every library, a kind of message from the author to his readers. When you leaf through such books, you feel excitement, the autograph on them keeps a certain secret…

With great love, the staff of the V. I. Lenin State Library collected rare editions with autographs of writers, in recent years they have collected a large and valuable collection. This was reported in the article "Three autographs of M. Gorky":

Soviet Belarus. 1963.19 March. p. 4


"Two forces most successfully contribute to the education of a cultured person-art and science. Both these forces have united in the book," Maxim Gorky wrote.

Nina Borisovna Vatatsi told about the unexpected discovery of Tishka Gartny's manuscripts in an article published in the magazine "Flame" (1965, No. 12). Among the manuscripts of the works that were written in 19301931, the unfinished novel "For ones will, for the will of the country" (1920) turned out to be unknown to anyone.

The author of the material "Treasure box of rare books", published in "Minskaya Prayda" (1965, 14 pages), revealed the fund of a rare ancient book, where one could see incunabula-books of meter height with metal latches and smaller matchboxes, as well as "Alda" and "Elzevira", "The Bible" by Francisk Skarina (1517) and others.

Incunabula (from Latin incunabula – "cradle, early childhood") are books printed in Western Europe from the first experiments of Johann Gutenberg in the 40s of the XV century to January 1, 1501.

Aldo - publishers and printers of the Venetian late Renaissance of the XV and XVI centuries., developed the first sample of italics, introduced pocket editions (in-octave). Their emblem "Dolphin and anchor" is associated with the motto "Festina lente" "Take your time"). The Elseviers were a family of Dutch printers who occupied a dominant position in European book printing in the 17th century. The emblem of the Elzevirs is a globe, an eagle or a sage under a tree. The editions of the Aldos and Elzevirs were always elegantly decorated.

The author of the article "Tips for librarians" N. Kolas told about the release by the State Library of the BSSR named after V. I. Lenin of a valuable manual “Literature on art and working with it in a mass library” (compiled by V. Dyshinevich), which “addressed issues related to the promotion of art in libraries: acquisition of funds, organization of reference apparatus, mass events and individual assistance to readers in their self-education.”

In the magazine "Flame" ("Polymya") and "Uchitelskaya Gazeta" ("Teacher's Newspaper") it was reported about the release of the bibliographic reference book by N.B. Vatatsi "Fiction of Soviet Belarus" (1917–1960), for the dry bibliographic information of which it was possible to follow the events of the literary life of the country. For example, in 1960, almost four times as much fiction was produced as in the first years after the war.

With great love and respect, Nina Borisovna Vatatsi, the author of the article "Her heart is an open book", told about the life and creative path of the chief bibliographer of the Department of Belarusian literature, the author of numerous reference books and bibliographic works, Honoured Worker of Culture of the Republic Vera Iva: "She is a person of a real talent, sincere soul and a rich big heart."

LiM. 1964. 6 sac. p. 2

The head of the art sector of the State Library of the BSSR named after V. I. Lenin, Valentina Nikiforovna Dyshinevich, in the article "The book is an exlibris!" told about an interesting exhibition of a book sign of the XIX-XX centuries from the collection of the master of Belarusian graphics Anatoly Nikolaevich Tychina, which took place in the library. More than 600 bookplates were exhibited here. “Many of them are great artistic values, like works of small forms of graphics, and collecting them also helps the research work of book historians in finding lost book collections,” the author wrote.

During this period, the state library provided significant assistance to the mass libraries of the republic in carrying out local history work, a number of instructional, methodological and bibliographic materials were published.

Nikolay Semenovich Vasilevsky, Head of the Department of Belarusian Literature and Bibliography, analyzed the interesting and necessary local history work of regional, district, urban and rural libraries in the article "Know, love your land":


LiM. 1963.4 June. p. 2

The chief librarian of the state library, Anna Grigoryevna Melamed, in the article "Do grain growers or steelworkers live here?" She told about the mistakes that rural and district libraries make when completing their collections, the shortcomings of the librarian's work, and also gave several examples of careful attitude to the purchase of books, about ordering literature according to the thematic plans of publishers.

In the 1960s. The State Library was a center that provided methodological assistance to library specialists of the republic in servicing children's readers.

Zoya Vladimirovna Dyakonova, a methodologist at the V. I. Lenin State Library, reviewed school libraries in the article "Library at school" and found out that many of them pay great attention to the guidance of students' reading, and interesting events are held to promote the book. However, she also identified some drawbacks: "The book collections of many school libraries do not meet the needs of school students. Their recruitment is not properly established...”.

The article "Reader, bookstore, publishing house", which was published in "Zvyazda" in 1964, attracted attention. Revealing the main task of booksellers: to convey the products of publishing houses to the reader, the authors of the material said that the publications of the Book Chamber of the BSSR-bibliographic reference books such as "Yakub Kolas” (1962), "Kandrat Krapiva" (1963), etc., did not get into stores. It was noted that these publications of the library, which were distributed directly through the bicolector, would be in demand among many specialists, teachers, and students.

The organization of the work of the Pinsk district library, whose main task was to popularize reading as a process, was written by library staff A. P. Demchenkov and I.A. Sankov in the article "Restless people":

LiM. 1964. 7 Feb. p. 4

"Soviet Belarus" dated July 18, 1965. reported:


“In 1965, the library had eight reading rooms where there were about four million copies of books and magazines in its book depository. This is 8 times more than all the libraries of pre-revolutionary Belarus had in 1913.”(The history of Minsk. Minsk, 1967. p. 602.)


"Soviet Belarus". 1963. November 17, p. 2

More detailed information on the topic can be found in the database “National Library of Belarus in the Press". In addition, by subscribing to the newsletter of articles from the mentioned resource, you will receive all the news about our library.

The material was prepared by Tatyana Zaprotskaya, Head of the Information and Analytical Department sector.

  1. Буран, В. Бібліяграфічны дапаможнік / В. Буран // Настаўніцкая газета. – 1963. – 13 лют. – С. 2.
  2. Варановiч, С.Новы бiблiяграфiчны даведнiк / В. Варановіч // Полымя. – 1963. – № 3. – С. 187–188.
  3. Васілеўскі, М. С. Ведай, любі свой край / М. С. Васілеўскі // ЛіМ. – 1963. – 4 чэрв. – С. 2.
  4. Ватацы, Н. Б. За сваю волю, за волю краiны / Н. Б. Ватацы // Полымя. – 1965. – № 12. – С. 10.
  5. Вярба, В. Сэрца яе – адкрытая кніга / В. Вярба // ЛіМ. – 1964. – 6 сак. – С. 2.
  6. 27 километров книжных полок // Советская Белоруссия. – 1965. – 18 ліп. – С. 2.
  7. Дземчанкава, А. П. Неспакойныялюдзі / А. Дземчанкава, І. Санкова // ЛіМ. – 1964. – 7 лют. – С. 4.
  8. Дзяканава, З. В. Бібліятэка ў школе / З. В. Дзяканава // ЛіМ. – 1963. – 26 лют. – С. 2.
  9. Колас, М. Парады бібліятэкарам / М. Колас // ЛіМ. – 1963. – 8 сак. – С. 3.
  10. Марцінкоўскі, М. Цікавы даведнік / М. Марціноўскі // ЛіМ. – 1963. – 8 лют. – С. 2.
  11. Меламед, Х. Г. Тут жывуць хлебаробы ці сталявары? / Х. Г. Меламед // ЛіМ. – 1963. – 24 сак. – С. 2.
  12. Рагойша, В. Чытач, кнігарня, выдавецтва / В. Рагойша, І. Саламевіч // Звязда. – 1964. – 24 лістап. – С. 4.
  13. [Свыше 34 тысяч минчан посещают библиотеку имени В.И. Ленина.] // Советская Белоруссия. – 1963. – 17 нояб. – С. 2.
  14. Три автографа М. Горького// Советская Белоруссия. – 1963. – 19 марта. – С. 4.
  15. Якаўлеў, Ф. Скарбонка рэдкіх кніг / Ф. Якаўлеў // Мін. праўда. – 1965. – 14 лістап.
  16. Горький, А. М. Сказки / М. Горький. – Москва : Книгоиздательство Писателей, [1913] (типография П.П. Рябушинского). – [1], 156, [3] c. – (Шыфр НББ: 096/343).
  17. Горький, А. М. Жизнь Клима Самгина (сорок лет) : Повесть / М.Горький. – Berlin : Verlag "Kniga" G.M.B.H. – Т. 3. – 1931. – 376 с.– (Шыфр НББ: 096/331).
  18. Гісторыя Мінска / Акад.навукБеларус. ССР, Ін-т гісторыі ; [рэдкал.: Н. В. Каменская і інш.]. – Мінск : Наука и техника, 1967. – С. 602. – (Шыфры НББ: АР277771*1Н//172955(039)*БА96009*БА96084).

"On the paths of bright spring" by Pavlyuk Trus

21 May 2024

On May 16, participants of the National Library of Belarus project "On the wave of time throughout life" visited the Uzden Central District Library named after Pavlyuk Trus, where they took part in the literary and musical festival "On the paths of bright spring..." dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the poet, member of the association "Maladnyak", native of Uzden region
Pavlyuk Trus (1904-1929).

To the 100th Anniversary of “Maladnyak"

Digital History

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National Library of Belarus News