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The native language is a source of inspiration

The native language is a source of inspiration
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From 10 February to 15 March, the exhibition "The native language is a source of inspiration", devoted to the International Mother Language Day, runs in the Official Documents Division (room 207).

This day was proclaimed by a decision on the 30th session of UNESCO General Conference in November 1999. Since 2000 it is annually celebrated in February.

This date was chosen in memory of events which happened on 21 February, 1952. In Dacca, the capital of Bangladesh, several students were shot by the police. These students were participants of a demonstration to defend their native Bengali language, which they demanded to recognize as one of official languages in this country.

In February 2002, the UN General Assembly on its 56th session, stressing the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity, supported the UNESCO decision to declare the International Mother Language Day (resolution № Α/RES/56/262) and appealed all states to promote protection and preservation of different languages in the world.

A language is one of the most powerful instruments in preserving and developing of our tangible and intangible heritage. They form a unique expression of human creativity in all its diversity. As a tool of communication, perception and thought, a language describes our vision of the world, and reflects a relationship between past, present and future. Every language is unusual. It expresses mentality and customs of the people. Like our name, we find the native language from our mother in childhood. It shapes our consciousness with its traditions and culture.

Recognition and respect for all languages is the key to the preservation of peace. In the International Mother Language Day all languages are recognized as equal, because each of them is suitable for men and represents a real legacy that should be protected. All steps to spread native languages serve not only in maintaining of linguistic diversity and multilingual education, development of a more complete acquaintance with lingustic and cultural traditions around the world, but also strengthen solidarity which is based on mutual understanding, tolerance and dialogue.

Today there exist about 7000 languages in the world. But more than half of them are endangered and may soon lose their last speakers. At all times languages appeared, existed and then disappeared and sometimes they didn’t leave any trace. But never before, they did not disappear so fast. According to UNESCO, every month the world’s two languages disappear. Therefore, the International Mother Language Day takes on special significance, and provides very good opportunities for the introduction of initiatives to promote and protect all languages, especially those who are threatened with disappearance.

Belarus is a multi-ethnic state with representatives of over 100 nationalities. The policy of our country is established on the recognition and respect for all languages, encouragement of linguistic diversity and cultural traditions based on mutual understanding, tolerance and dialogue. The state pursues a consistent policy to support and develop of the Belarusian language and cultural heritage of Belarusians and the best features of the Belarusian character.

The exhibition presents more than 80 publications in Russian, Belarusian and English: books, periodicals, pamphlets, brochures, mimeographed materials.

The exhibition includes the following sections:

  • Languages and their role in preservation and promotion of tangible and intangible heritage;
  • International regulations that encourage the development of linguistic diversity;
  • Language, society, education, and problems in intercultural communication;
  • Language and multilingualism in the era of globalization and global communication networks;
  • Language policy and development prospects of the Belarusian language in Belarus.

The exhibition will be interested to linguists, philologists, workers of cultural institutions and art historians, as well as a wide range of readers interested in linguistic and cultural diversity.

Useful references:


Resolution on the proclamation of the Day

Declarations and conventions:

UN and multilingualism:



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