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The witnesses of the antiquity: castles, palaces and manor houses of Belarus

The witnesses of the antiquity: castles, palaces and manor houses of Belarus
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From October 11 to November 29, the book exhibition "The witnesses of the antiquity: castles, palaces and manor houses of Belarus", which presents the architectural values of Belarus, runs in the Belarusian literature room (205).

Ancient palaces, castles and manor houses are part of the spiritual and material heritage of the Belarusian people. They occupy a significant place among the historical treasures of our country.

The exhibition includes numerous publications revealing the processes of formation and development of Belarusian architecture, showing the origins of military architecture and introducing the architectural gems of Belarus which have replenished the UNESCO treasures of the world. It also raises questions about the restoration and reconstruction of monuments.

The exhibition presents books by famous architects, ethnographers and writers: A. Fedoruk, A. Butevich, B. Kalnina, Y. Tatarinov, V. Chanturia.

The castles have a great potential as sites of cultural tourism in Belarus. Each of them is open today, having its own specialization. The neighborhood of Mir and Nesvizh have become a venue for music festivals and parties; the Lida Castle has established itself as a kind of center of the knight movement and site for holidays of medieval culture. The castle in Grodno the State Historical and Archaeological Museum.

The Mir Castle is a unique monument of Belarusian architecture of the XVI–XX centuries. The UNESCO’s World Commission in 2000 declared it one of the masterpieces of architecture that had influenced the story. The Nesvizh Castle and its museum exhibition can be viewed as a living encyclopedia of Belarusian and European art and culture. The exposition presents multiple albums and directories devoted to the architecture of the Nesvizh and Mir Castles. The book by N. Vysotskaya The Radziwills. Nesvizh. Castle (2014) in 3 volumes will be interesting to readers as well.

A separate section is devoted to the problems of conservation and restoration of monuments.

The exhibition includes about 150 documents.

Phone: (+375 17) 293 27 16.

Reading list


"On the paths of bright spring" by Pavlyuk Trus

21 May 2024

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Digital History

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National Library of Belarus News