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Новые поступления в фонд зала документов международных организаций

Белорусско-китайские отношения в межгосударственных, межправительственных и межведомственных документах (1992—2022) : сб. текстов белорус.-кит. договоров, соглашений, меморандумов и протоколов / М-во иностр. дел Респ. Беларусь, Респ. ин-т китаеведения Белорус. гос. ун-та ; сост.: Н. М. Адамчик [и др. ] ; ред. совет: В. В. Макей (председатель), А. В. Дапкюнас, А. А. Тозик. – Изд. 2-е, доп. – Минск : СтройМедиаПроект, 2022. – 479 с.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//837814(039)
УДК: 327 - Международные отношения. Всемирная политика. Внешняя политика

В сборник включены тексты действующих межгосударственных, межправительственных и межведомственных документов, их заверенных копий, внесенных в реестр и находящихся на хранении в Министерстве иностранных дел Республики Беларусь. Данные документы составляют нормативную правовую базу современных белорусско-китайских отношений в политической, торгово-экономической, кредитно-финансовой, научно-технической, административно-правовой и гуманитарной сферах.

Воспитание глобальной гражданственности: темы и цели обучения / Орг. Объед. Наций по вопр. образования, науки и культуры. – Париж : ЮНЕСКО, 2015. – 80 с.
Шифр НББ: 1И//845331(039)

Воспитание глобальной гражданственности направлено на преобразования и приобретение учащимися знаний, навыков, ценностей и установок, позволяющих вносить вклад в построение более инклюзивного, справедливого и бесконфликтного мира. Данная публикация является первым педагогическим руководством ЮНЕСКО в этом направлении и предназначена для преподавателей, специалистов по разработке учебных программ, инструкторов, а также политиков и других заинтересованных сторон в сфере образования.


Activating policy levers for Education 2030: the untapped potential of governance, school leadership, and monitoring and evaluation policies / UNESCO. – Paris : UNESCO, 2018. – 130 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//845294(039)

In laying the foundation and conditions for the delivery and sustainability of good quality education, the formulation of strong legal frameworks and effective policies and plans remains central to achieving education development goals and promoting lifelong learning. This report focuses on three strategic policy levers that together can help governments reach higher levels of education quality, equity and inclusiveness. It clearly demonstrates the potential of adequate governance, effective and instructional school leadership, and better monitoring and evaluation systems that could be critical to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Education 2030.


Cybersecurity, 2020: a practical cross-border insight into cybersecurity law / Global Legal Group ; contributing ed.: N. Parker, A. Rendell. – 3rd ed. – London : Global Legal Group, 2019. – 3, 251 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//842650К(039)
УДК: 004

This publication, written by leading cybersecurity lawyers and industry specialists, provides corporate counsel and international practitioners with comprehensive jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction guidance to cybersecurity laws and regulations around the world. Three general chapters provide an overview of key issues affecting cybersecurity, particularly from the perspective of a multi-jurisdictional transaction. The question and answer chapters, which cover 32 jurisdictions, provide detailed answers to common questions raised by professionals dealing with cybersecurity laws and regulations.


Doing business, 2019: training for reform. Comparing business regulation for domestic firms in 190 economies / World Bank Group. – 16th ed. – Washington : The World Bank, 2019. – V, 223 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//845344К(039) Doing Business 2019: Training for Reform, a World Bank Group flagship publication, is the 16th in a series of annual reports investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. The report presents quantitative indicators on business regulations and the protection of property rights that can be compared across 190 economies and over time. The goal of the Doing Business series is to provide objective data for use by governments in designing sound business regulatory policies and to encourage research on the important dimensions of the regulatory environment for firms.


Eastern partner countries, 2016: assessing the implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe : SME policy ind. / OECD [et al.]. – Paris : OECD, 2015. – 358 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//845348К(039)

The SME Policy Index is a benchmarking tool designed for emerging economies by the OECD in partnership with the European Commission, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and the European Training Foundation (ETF). The Index identifies strengths and weaknesses in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) policy design and implementation, allows for comparison across countries and measures convergence towards good practices and relevant policy standards. It aims to support governments in setting targets for SME policy development and to identify strategic priorities to further improve the business environment.


Fourth National Report on the Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety in the Republic of Belarus, 2021 / Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Belarus, Inst. of Genetics and Cytology [et al.] ; compilers: G. V. Mozgova [et al.] ; edited by G. V. Mozgova, A. V. Kilchevsky, R. I. Sheyko. – Minsk : Pravo i Economika, 2021. – 40 p.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//845059К(039)

Conservation of biological diversity and ensuring the safety in genetic engineering activities are the most important tasks of environmental protection and protection of human health in the Republic of Belarus. In 2002, the Republic of Belarus joined the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity and effectively fulfills its obligations under this Protocol. This issue includes the Fourth National Report on the Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety by the Republic of Belarus in 2015–2021.

Private equity, 2019: a practical cross-border insight into private equity / Global Legal Group ; contributing ed.: C. Field, M. P. Bolsinger. – 5th ed. – London : Global Legal Group, 2019. – 2, 290 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//842649К(039)

The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Private Equity 2019 provides global businesses leaders, in-house counsel, and international legal practitioners with ready access to important information regarding the legislative frameworks for private equity in 31 different jurisdictions. It also discusses pertinent issues affecting private equity transactions and legislation. This edition of the Guide serves as a valuable, authoritative source of reference material for lawyers in industry and private practice seeking information regarding the procedural laws and practice of private equity, provided by experienced practitioners from around the world.


Promoting jobs, protecting youth: ILO's work on youth employment and entrepreneurship / ILO. – Colombo : ILO Country Office for Sri Lanka and Maldives, [2013]. – 47 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//845323(039)

For the International Labour Organisation, successful engagement of young people in the labour market is a central concern. Integrated approaches are needed in view of the multidimensional nature of the challenges facing youth and a strong appeal should be made for fundamental change in approaches for realizing social justice. The ILO has committed to promote youth employment within the Decent Work Agenda, which promotes opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work, in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity.


Trade in transition : Europe and Central Asia econ. update, Office of the Chief Economist, May 2017 / Intern. Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank Group. – Washington : The World Bank, 2017. – XI, 82 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//845335К(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 339.5–Внешняя торговля. Международная торговля. Внешнеторговая политика.

Trade played a pivotal role during the transition of many countries in Europe and Central Asia to market economies. It forced a more efficient use of resourced and supported adoption of new technologies. Going forward, trade will again be crucial as countries adjust to new specialization patterns in the world. The adjustment requires not merely tweaking of trade policies, but rather a rethinking of how labor markets and capital markets are organized.


Полный текст

What's the beef?: the contested governance of European food safety / edited by C. Ansell, D. Vogel. – London ; Cambridge : MIT Press, 2006. – VIII, 389 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//845285(039)

A series of food-related crises has turned the regulation of food safety in Europe into a crucible for issues of institutional trust, legitimacy, and effectiveness. What's the Beef? examines European food safety regulation at the national, European, and international levels as a case of "contested governance" – a syndrome of policymaking and political dispute in which not only policy outcomes but aso the fundamental legitimacy of existing institutional arrangements are challenged.

