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004–Информационные технологии

Доклад о цифровой экономике, 2019 : создание стоимости и получение выгод: последствия для развивающихся стран : обзор / ООН, Конф. по торговле и развитию. – Женева : ООН, 2019. – IX, 16 с.
Шифр НББ: 1И//758786(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 004–Информационные технологии

В первом выпуске «Доклада о цифровой экономике», ранее известном как «Доклад об информационной экономике», рассматриваются последствия зарождающейся цифровой экономики для развивающихся стран с точки зрения создания стоимости и получения выгод. Особое внимание уделяется двум основным факторам создания стоимости в цифровую эпоху, а именно цифровым данным и платформам, и рассматривается вопрос о том, каким образом можно переломить существующие тенденции к концентрации богатства и обеспечить более справедливое распределение плодов цифровизации.

Полный текст

Полный текст за 2021 год

Справочник по свободе массовой информации в Интернете / ОБСЕ; под ред. К. Мёллера и А. Амуру. – Вена : ОБСЕ, 2004. — 278 с.
Шифр НББ: 1И//297765(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 004–Информационные технологии

Справочник даёт рекомендации, приводит примеры наиболее удачных практических решений и выводы Амстердамской конференции по проблемам свободы СМИ в Интернете, проведённой в 2004 году представителем ОБСЕ по вопросам свободы СМИ.

Полный текст

Cybersecurity, 2020: a practical cross-border insight into cybersecurity law / Global Legal Group ; contributing ed.: N. Parker, A. Rendell. – 3rd ed. – London : Global Legal Group, 2019. – 3, 251 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//842650К(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 004–Информационные технологии

This publication, written by leading cybersecurity lawyers and industry specialists, provides corporate counsel and international practitioners with comprehensive jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction guidance to cybersecurity laws and regulations around the world. Three general chapters provide an overview of key issues affecting cybersecurity, particularly from the perspective of a multi-jurisdictional transaction. The question and answer chapters, which cover 32 jurisdictions, provide detailed answers to common questions raised by professionals dealing with cybersecurity laws and regulations.


Полный текст

Digital economy report, 2019 : value creation and capture: implications for developing countries / UN, Conf. on Trade and Development. – Geneva : UN, 2019. – XX, 172 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//758823К(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 004–Информационные технологии

The rapid spread of digital technologies is transforming many economic and social activities. While creating many new opportunities, widening digital divides threaten to leave developing countries, and especially least developed countries, further behind. A smart embrace of new technologies, enhanced partnerships and greater intellectual leadership are needed to redefine digital development strategies and the future contours of globalization.

This first edition of the Digital Economy Report – previously known as the Information Economy Report − examines the scope for value creation and capture in the digital economy by developing countries. It gives special attention to opportunities for these countries to take advantage of the data-driven economy as producers and innovators – but also to the constraints they face – notably with regard to digital data and digital platforms.


Полный текст

Fast-tracking implementation of eTrade readiness assessments / UN, Conf. on Trade and Development. – Geneva : UN, 2020. – X, 76 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//795964К(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 004–Информационные технологии

The UNCTAD eTrade Readiness Assessment Programme initiated in 2017 is designed to identify and address challenges to the development of e-commerce in developing countries, particularly least developed countries (LDCs). This report entitled “Fast-tracking implementation of eTrade Readiness Assessments” is UNCTAD’s first comprehensive review of the status of implementation of recommendations outlined in beneficiary countries’ assessments. It captures the progress made and ranks the implementation levels in 13 out of 18 countries reviewed in the report, namely those that have benefited from an eTrade Readiness Assessment by June 2019. The findings mainly draw on analytical results and further research conducted by UNCTAD based on voluntary questionnaires circulated within the countries.

The report shows that implementation of the recommendations is moving at varying speeds. The overall implementation rate in the 13 surveyed countries stands at 50%, with Cambodia and Myanmar, Senegal and Togo, ranked as the best performers. Overall, the review has confirmed that priorities outlined in beneficiary countries’ assessments remain relevant for them, but challenges have slowed down efforts to deepen their digital readiness for e-commerce. Weak institutional capacities and policy coordination mechanisms are still major bottlenecks to ensuring adequate follow-up at the national level and further implementation of recommendations.

The key findings and recommendations contained in this report will further foster UNCTAD’s role in mobilizing partnerships on the ground to accelerate digital transformation in developing countries, particularly LDCs, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

