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ООН. Департамент по экономическим и социальным вопросам. Статистический отдел.

Международная стандартная отраслевая классификация всех видов экономической деятельности. – 4-й пересмотренный вариант. – Нью-Йорк : ООН, 2009. – XV, 336 c.


Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры. Генеральная конференция. Сессия (35; 2008; Париж).

Акты Генеральной конференции, 35-я сессия, Париж, 6–23 октября 2009 г. – Париж : ЮНЕСКО, 2009.

Т. 1 : Резолюции. – X, 224 c.


Развитие Республики Беларусь в контексте демографической безопасности : тезисы докладов Республиканской молодежной научно-практической конференции, [16 декабря 2008 г., г. Минск / редколлегия: Е. А. Антипова и др.]. – Гомель : Институт радиологии, 2009. – 121 c.


Iara, Anna.

Three studies on return migration, regional growth and regional labour markets in Central and Eastern Europe : Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors der Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften durch die Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn : Tag der Promotion: 13. Juni 2008 / vorgelegt von Anna Iara aus Köln. – Bonn : Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, 2008. – VIII, 109 p.


Koyama, Yoji.

Transition, European integration and foreign direct investment in Central and East European countries / Koyama Yoji. – Niigata : Niigata University, Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture, 2008. – 236 p.


United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development.

The protection of national security in IIAs. – New York ; Geneva : UN, 2009. – XX, 157 p.


United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

Good practices and innovations in public governance : United Nations Public Service Awards winners and finalists, 2003–2009. – New York : UN, 2009. – XV, 284 p.


United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

World public sector report, 2008 : people matter – civic engagement in public governance. – New York : UN, 2009. – XIX, 139 p.


United Nations. International Labour Organization.

International and comparative labour law : current challenges / Arturo Bronstein. – New York [etc.] : Palgrave Macmillan ; Geneva : International Labour Office, 2009. – XXXII, 285 p.


United Nations. World Bank.

Agricultural land redistribution : toward greater consensus / editors: Hans P. Binswanger-Mkhize, Camille Bourguignon, Rogier van den Brink. – Washington : The World Bank, 2009. – XXII, 466 p.


United Nations. World Bank.

Annual report, 2009 / Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. – Washington : The World Bank, 2009. – 120 p.


United Nations. World Bank.

Distortions to agricultural incentives : a global perspective, 1955–2007 / editor: Kym Anderson. – Washington : The World Bank ; New York [etc.] : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. – XXXVI, 644 p.

United Nations. World Bank.

Global development finance, 2009 : charting a global recovery. – Washington : The World Bank, 2009.


[Vol.] 1 : Review, analysis, and outlook. – XV, 149 p.


[Vol.] 2 : Summary and country tables. – XXXVII, 277 p.


United Nations. World Bank.

Global marketplace for private health insurance : strength in numbers / editors: Alexander S. Preker, Peter Zweifel, Onno P. Schellekens. – Washington : The World Bank, 2010. – XXXIV, 491 p.


United Nations. World Bank.

Globalization, wages, and the quality of jobs : five country studies / editors: Raymond Robertson [et al.]. – Washington : The World Bank, 2009. – XVII, 282 p.


United Nations. World Bank.

Intergovernmental reforms in the Russian Federation : one step forward, two steps back? / Migara O. De Silva [et al.]. – Washington : The World Bank, 2009. – XV, 135 p.


United Nations. World Bank.

Private sector and development / edited by Justin Yifu Lin and Boris Pleskovic. – Washington : The World Bank, 2009. – VII, 167 p.


United Nations. World Bank.

World development report, 2010 : development and climate change. – Washington : The World Bank, 2010. – XXI, 417 p.
