Building and Equipment Operation Department
The department is in charge of the maintenance and repair of premises of the National Library of Belarus, mechanisms, outfit, work and household equipment.
- engineering supervision of buildings and premises;
- supervision of building framing, geodesic supervision of foundation settlement with the participation of specialized organizations;
- realization and control of repair works, equipment and mechanisms, control of terms and quality of works execution;
- application of new kinds of equipment, mechanisms, machines and participation in their testing;
- provision of raw data for design estimates at formation of contracts with developers and construction and mounting organizations for execution of design work, repairs and building and assembly jobs by third-party contracting organizations.
Structure and staff
Head of the Department: Alexander Senchuk
Tel: (+375 17) 293 28 87 (internal number: 78 87)
Room 041
Deputy Head of Department: Irina Kushnareva
Tel: (+375 17) 293 25 22 (internal number: 75 22)
Room: 041
Specialists of the Department:
Tel: (+375 17) 293 29 51 (internal numbers: 79 51)