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Smoking is dangerous

Each sixth fire is caused by smokers’ carelessness. To avoid it, place ashtrays in all smoking-rooms. They should be capacious enough and designed for cigarette stubs only.

Before throwing out the content of an ashtray in a garbage can, make sure that there are no burning stubs. Never smoke in bed.

Remember! Most fires break out because of drunk smokers.

To avoid the tragedy, observe the preventive fire-fighting regulations:
  1. Never smoke in a state of intoxication.
  2. Do not smoke near flammable materials.
  3. Smoke in smoker-rooms only.
  4. Ashtrays should be made of non-inflammable materials. Drain it regularly as the faintest spark can set it on fire.   
  5. Keep matches, lighters and cigarettes out of reach of children.

Remember, it is easier to prevent fire than to regret its consequences!