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To the derivers’ attention

In closed and open parking areas:

  • Do not park more vehicles than the parking area can hold, do not break the plan of their arrangement, do not reduce distance between them;
  • Do not block up exit gates and thoroughfares;
  • Do not  perform forging, thermal works, welding, painting or woodworking, do not wash details with the use of inflammable and combustible liquids;
  • Do not leave vehicles with the open mouths of fuel tanks or in the presence of a leak of fuel and engine oil;
  • Do not fill vehicles with fuel or pour off fuel from them;
  • Do not keep containers from fuel, fuel or engine oils (except for private garages);
  • Do not recharge accumulators directly on vehicles;
  • Do not  warm up engines with the open fire (fires, torches, blowtorches), do not use the open fire for illumination;
  • Do not park in public parking areas vehicles for transportation of inflammable and combustible liquids and combustible gases.

In addition to the aforesaid requirements, do not keep in private garages furniture, household goods made of combustible materials etc. You are allowed to keep in there fuel (up to 20 liters) and engine oil (up to 5 liters).