MainAbout the LibraryStructure of the LibraryScience and information technologyLibrary Science Department

Library Science Department

General information

The Library Science Department was established in January, 1974. Today, this is the major scientific division of the Library and scientific, methodological and research center of the Republic of Belarus. Its task is to develop the conception of Belarusian library science; to form a legal, regulating, theoretical and methodological basis for contemporary library practice; to hold scientific research in the field of librarianship; to coordinate research activity of Belarusian libraries; to manage innovative processes in Belarusian libraries; to create information and methodological basis for innovatics; to analyze and to consult library activities; to carry out implementation of modern information technologies; to monitor the activity of public libraries; to provide methodological support to all Belarusian libraries.


  • development of the strategy of Belarusian librarianship, formation of theoretical and methodological, legal and regulating basis of contemporary library practice;
  • preparation, holding and coordination of research work in the field of librarianship, including sociological research;
  • monitoring of the activity of public libraries of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus;
  • scientific, organizational and methodological support of the activity of the National Library of Belarus;
  • scientific and methodological support of the activity of Belarusian libraries;
  • management of innovative processes in Belarusian libraries;
  • Belarusian librarians professional training;
  • consulting aid to all Belarusian libraries;
  • business contacts with foreign libraries and cultural, educational and scientific institutions.

Structure and staff

Head of the department:
Теl: (+375 17) 293 27 61;(internal number 77 61)

Research and Organizational Support of Library Activity
Head of the section: 
Теl.: (+375 17) 293 27 93 (internal number 77 93)
Room 311

Library Activity Monitoring and Coordination
Head of the section:
Теl.: (+375 17) 368 97 71 (internal number 78 08)
Room 311

Sociological and Marketing Research
Head of the section: Olga Bondarchuk
Теl.: (+375 17) 368 97 54, (+375 17) 293 28 08 (internal number 78 08)
Room 317

Information resources

Publishing activities is one of the major tasks of the department. Along with analytical reviews concerning library activities, the department prepares methodological recommendations on topical library subjects. The results of this activity are presented in research-methodological manuals both printed, and digital. Besides, the full texts of reports on the division’s research work are kept in BelISA (the Belarusian Institute of System Analysis).

Publications by the employees

Participation in conferences, seminars and round tables