MainAbout the LibraryStructure of the LibraryScience and information technologyBibliography Research DepartmentInformation resources

Information resources

Electronic information resources

Consolidated electronic information resource "National Bibliography of Belarus"


Combined databases

Bibliographic databases

  • Database Гісторыя Беларусі / The History of Belarus
    The database is the basis for a bibliographic index Новая літаратура па гісторыі і гістарычных навуках Беларусі / New literature on the history and historical sciences of Belarus.
    Between 1992 and 1996, the NLB published bibliographic indexes of documents for 1990 (appeared in 1992); 1991 (appeared in 1993); the first half of 1992 (appeared in 1994); the second half of 1992 (appeared in 1996). Also, the NLB has developed electronic bibliographic indexes of documents for the following periods: 1991; the first half of 1992, the second half of 1992, 1993; 1994; 1995–1999; 2000–2001; 2002; 2003.
  • Database Чарнобыль / Chernobyl
    The database is the basis for a bibliographic index Чарнобыль / Chernobyl. Between 1993 and 2003 the NLB published bibliographic indexes of documents for 1991 (appeared in 1993); the first half of1992 (appeared in 1994); the second half of 1992 (appeared in 1996); 1993 (appeared in 1997); 1994 (appeared in 2000); 1995–1997. (appeared in 2002); 1998–2000 (appeared in 2003). Besides, the NLB has developed electronic bibliographic indexes of documents for the following periods: 1991; the first half of1992; the second half of 1992; 1993; 1994; 1995–1997; 1998–2000; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004.

Factographic databases

Combined Internet resources