MainEventsEventsWar and Peace. Belarus remembers. The Return
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War and Peace. Belarus remembers. The Return

War and Peace. Belarus remembers. The Return
Other events
July 1 – December 27
10:00 – 21:00
room 104

The library will host the grand opening of the exhibition “War and Peace. Belarus remembers. The Return" on July 1. The project is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The event will symbolically be held on the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus. The exhibition is the third – and final – stage of a large-scale cultural and historical project organized by the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus with the participation of Mr Vladimir Likhodedov, a local historian and collector, prizewinner of the "For Spiritual Revival" award with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.

The exhibition will feature items from the private collection of Mr Likhodedov, that he has been gathering for several decades. He donated some of the items as a gift to the National Library of Belarus.

The exhibition will show unique handwritten documents, maps, old-printed and rare books, periodicals. The central part will be occupied by a series of books “In the Search of the Lost” and other publications of Mr Likhodedov. They include unique documentary materials covering the historical past of the Belarusian land during the war and peace periods from 1812 to 1945.

A presentation of the “Zvyazda” Publishing House books (“Blockade” and “75 Anniversary of the Victory in a Great War”), as well as the books of “Alpha Book” publishing house (“Belarus Multinational”), will take place within the framework of the exhibition.

All the participants will get a reprinted postcard from Mr Likhodedov's collection at the grand opening of the exhibition. They will also have a chance to learn about trending events of the nineteenth century from the "Provincial Gazette" and take copies of the pages as souvenirs.

The opening ceremony starts at 4 p.m. in the exhibition complex (room 104).

Admission is free on the event day. On other days the admission is by library card or by the ticket of the library's social and cultural center.

You can visit the exhibition until December 27, 2020.
The end date is subject to change.

For more info: (8 017) 266 37 37, (8 017) 293 28 81.


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Dancers' Painter


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Chronicle of the Liberation of Belarus


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The Unforgettable Echo of the War


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Ballads of Courage


On July 1 the grand opening of the exhibition "Ballads of Courage" dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus (July 3) took place within the framework of the project "Colours of the Great Victory" organized by the Belarusian Union of Artists for the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders.