MainFor librariansBelarusian Council of Libraries for Information InteractionAbout the Council

About the Council

The Belarusian Council of Libraries for Information Interaction was established at the suggestion of the National Library of Belarus in February 2009. The Council is the permanently acting corporate body at the National Library of Belarus which is, according to the abstract 2 of the article 138 of the Code on Culture of the Republic of Belarus, it is the republican center on coordination and cooperation in the sphere of creation and receiving of information resources.

The Council has purposes as follow: setting priority trends of information interaction between libraries; coordination and cooperation between libraries in the Republic of Belarus for initiation and realizations of national and international projects, including within the framework of the international consortium; improvement of user service in libraries through providing access to educational, cultural and scientific electronic information resources; expansion of professional contacts between Belarusian and foreign libraries.

The Council consists of directors of republican and regional libraries that are methodical centers participating in realization of projects initiated within the framework of the Council activities (one representative from each library), and a secretary.

The Director of the National Library of Belarus is the Chairman of the Council.

The executive committee acts as the executing body of the council. The committee manages design activities of the Council in main fields of information interaction between Belarusian libraries, solves current problems of interaction between libraries and coordinates activities of heads of working groups.

Activities, events and initiatives of the Belarusian Council of Libraries for Information Interaction in 2009 confirmed the necessity of its creation. Corporate purchase of electronic information resources has been approved as economically sound and expedient.