MainFor librariansBelMarc


According to the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, dated August 18, 2006 No. 193, the Belarusian format for the representation and communication of bibliographic data in machine-readable form (BELMARC), and the Belarusian format for the representation and communication of authority / standard records in machine-readable form (BELMARC / Authorities) are recommended as exchange formats for bibliographic and authority records, used by libraries participating in corporate cataloging, as well as formats for storing records in the union electronic catalog and the national database of authority records.
The full version of the formats:

The Belarusian format for the representation and communication of authority / standard records in machine-readable form (BELMARC / Authorities),
2nd edition (2013)
The Belarusian format for the representation and communication of bibliographic data in machine-readable form (BELMARC),
2nd edition (2012)
Full-text guidelines for applying BELMARC Format are provided to the libraries of the Republic of Belarus free of charge. Please send a letter of enquiry to the postal address of the National Library of Belarus or email

The methodological documentation includes guidelines for using BELMARC formats when describing different types of resources (books, documents of international organizations, deposited works, research and innovation; theses and dissertation abstracts; pictorial materials; sheet music; cartographic materials; a component of the resource) and different types of objects (item names; geographical names and place as access point; person names; organization names; generic names; unified title and name/title; trade names of goods and services).

Methodological support of the BELMARC Format is provided by the BELMARC Format development sector of the library and information technologies department of the National Library of Belarus.

Теl.: (+375 17) 293 29 93 (authority records) Zoja Piatrouskaja.
Теl.: (+375 17) 293 27 78 (bibliographic records) Sabrina Rakovets.