І Quarter
Webinar "On the Subject of Assistance to new partners of the RSEK Libraries of Belarus" ( February 1st, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus )
Karelia's 17th Scientific Conference "Local Lore Readings" (February 15, on-line mode)
Webinar "Procedure for filling books with water to prevent bio-damage to documents"(February 16, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
Seminar on exploring the possibilities of working with an electronic library system BOOK.ru (February 16, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
Seminar "The use of information resources of the virtual reading room of the National Library of Belarus in the activities of libraries" (February 22, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists "Library in the XXI Century. Youth Potential in Science and Practice" (February 22, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Y. Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)
Round table "And the pages of rare books are alive in memory" for the 15th anniversary of the Rare Book Museum as part of the celebration of the 95th anniversary of the Gomel Regional Library (February 21, Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Gomel Regional Library named after V. I. Lenin)
Seminar "The use of information resources of the virtual reading room of the National Library of Belarus in the activities of libraries" (February 22, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
Republican seminar "History of Orthodoxy of the Native land: experience and methodology of study" (February 24, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, meeting room of the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Belarusian Orthodox Church)
Round table "Preservation and popularization of historical memory. Writers–fellow countrymen: Yazep Pushcha" (February 28, Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, ag. Gatovo, Gatovskaya Village Library Club)
Seminar "Electronic Medical Library of the Republican Scientific Medical Library for Education, Science, Practice" (February 28 – March 1, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, the National Library of Belarus and the Republican Scientific Medical Library)
Seminar "Modern Public Library: Actual Challenges, Development Guidelines" for directors of library networks of the Gomel region (March 1, Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Gomel Regional Library named after V.I. Lenin)
Round table "The phenomenon of the scientific and educational tradition of the journal "Native Words"" (March 3, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
Seminar "Etalon-online: Legal information without borders" (March 15, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
Seminar "RUKONT Electronic Library for Education, Culture and Science" (March 22, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
30th Minsk International Book Fair Exhibition ( March 22–26, Republic of Belarus», Minsk, National Exhibition Center "BelExpo")
The 13th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Library Collections in the Digital Age: Traditional and Electronic Resources, acquisition, Use" ( March 27–31, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg,Russian National Library )
ІІ Quarter
Webinar "Methodology and technology of cataloging documents in union regional electronic catalogs" ( April 18, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Rumiantsev Readings "( April 18–20, Russian State Library, Moscow, Russian Federation)
The 29th International Specialized Forum on Telecommunications, Information and Banking Technologies "TIBO" ( April 18–21, Minsk Football Arena, Republic of Belarus)
Seminar "Modern solutions of Znanium for libraries: opportunities and features" ( April 19, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
Seminar–presentation of Chinese electronic information resources (April 20, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
VI International Forum "Shaping the Future of Libraries" (April 20, Russian Federation, Moscow, All-Russian State library of foreign literature named after M.I. Rudomino) Forum website
International Forum "Library Dialogue of CIS Countries" (April 20, Russian Federation, Moscow, All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature named after M.I. Rudomino, St. Petersburg, Central City Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky)
Scientific and practical conference "Electronic Culture" in the framework of the 29th International Specialized Forum on Telecommunications, Information and Banking Technologies "TIBO" (Republic of Belarus, Minsk)
Youth Forum "Let's Preserve the Historical Truth for future Generations" ( April 25–26, Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian State Library)
The 19th International Bibliology Readings ( April 27–28, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
International forum "Library Dialogue of the CIS Countries" (April 17–21, Russian Federation, Rudomino’s All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature, Maiakovsky’s Central city public library (St. Petersburg)
Webinar "Prompt repair of paper sheets of modern documents: fixing gaps in the text" (May 4, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
The 33rd Scientific Readings "Book Rarities of the National Library of the Russian Federation" (May 23, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russian National Library)
The 7th International Scientific Conference "Berkov Readings. Book Culture in the Context of International Contacts" (May 24, Republic of Belarus, Brest, Brest State University named after A. S. Pushkin)
The 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Preservation and Research of Documents in Libraries, Archives and Museums "( May 29–31, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russian National Library)
The 21st International Scientific and Practical Conference and Exhibition "Corporate Library Systems: Technologies and Innovations" (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)
All-Russian Library Congress: The 27th Annual Conference of the Russian Library Association (June 10–17, Murmansk, Russian Federation)
The 30th International Scientific Conference "St. Petersburg and Belarusian Culture" (June 15, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russian National Library)
ІІI quarter
Round table "The role of books in the life of society. Past and present" (September 1, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
The 30th Belarusian Writing Day (September 2–3, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Gorodok)
Training seminar on the use of the information and legal system "Expert" (September 7, National Library of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus)
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Kuteinsky readings" (September 15, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Orsha)
Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 525th anniversary of Dyatlovo (September 15, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Minsk Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Dyatlov Region Executive Committee)
Webinar on the topic "Augmented and virtual reality technologies in the local history activity of cultural institutions (libraries)" (September 20, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus) Central Children's Library named after Yaroslav the Wise,Yaroslavl, Russian Federation)
Seminar "The possibilities of using electronic information resources in inclusive education"(September 26, National Library of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus)
ІV Quarter
International conference of librarians of the Commonwealth of Independent States "Cultural Diversity of the Commonwealth: Library Initiatives" (October 3, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, Presidential Library)
Seminar on the possibilities of using the electronic library system "PROFLibrary.by" in the information support of education (October 4, National Library of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus)
International Forum "History for future. Russia and Belarus" (October 12, National Library of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus) Forum's Site
The 10th International Congress "Library as a Cultural Phenomenon" (October 19–20, National Library of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus) Forum's Site Videotranslation
Case conference "Cultural spaces of the megapolis: libraries and theaters" within the framework of the professional development program "Our libraries: Russian as a native language" (October 25, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, )
II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Protection and popularization of cultural heritage: world and domestic experience" (October 26–27, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk)
Seminar "Electronic resources of IPR MEDIA for digital transformation of education" (October 31, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
The IX St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum (November 16–18, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg)
The VIII scientific conference "Church Science at the beginning of the third millennium: actual problems and prospects of development" (November 16, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Minsk Theological Academy)
The XXII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Development of Informatization and the state system of Scientific and Technical Information" (RINTI-2023) (November 16, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)
The XXVII International Conference and Exhibition "LIBCOM: Information Technologies, Computer Systems and Publishing Products for Libraries" (November 19–24, Russian Federation, Suzdal, Vladimir region of the Russian Federation)
The XVI Belarusian-Russian scientific conference "Modern problems of book culture: main trends and prospects of development" (November 22–23, Russian Federation, Moscow, Business and Cultural Complex of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus)
IX Belarusian Christmas Educational Readings (November 23, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
Webinar with specialists from regional libraries of Belarus on the formation of NBB electronic collections for public access and the role of the restorer in their creation (November 28, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (December 7, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
International conference to mark the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Belarus (December 13, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Belarusian State University)
II All-Russian Congress of Named Libraries "Russia is Famous for Names"(December 14–16, Russian Federation, Kirov, Kirov Regional Scientific Library named after A.I. Herzen)
International forum "Chingiz Aitmatov. We're in the same boat. Creation in Russian" dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of writer Chingiz Aitmatov (December 14-16, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, National Historical Museum of the Kyrgyz Republic and the National Library of the Kyrgyz Republic named after A. Osmonov)
The II Christmas readings, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the scientific collection "Bibliyatechny Vesnik" were held in the (December 22, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, National Library of Belarus)
Round table "Topical issues of the formation and use of information resources on local lore" (December 28, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk, the Vitebsk Regional Library named after V.I. Lenin)