Belarus in Persons and Events
The database on Belarusian studies comprises factographic information on persons who contributed to scientific, cultural and spiritual development of Belarus; crucial events in Belarusian economy, policy, culture etc; memorials and monuments of history, culture and nature; professional teams, and also the oldest or unique objects (the first primer, school, the earliest mapping of a city etc).
Information on a person includes all revealed variants of their names in Belarusian, Russian and foreign languages, pen names, cryptonyms, ecclesiastical or mundane names, dates of birth and death, place of birth, profession, awards, honorary titles, military ranks and other titles, professional activity.
Information on an event includes all authentic variants of a name in Belarusian, Russian and foreign languages including former and abbreviated names, the major dates, places and activities related to an event, an object type.
Along with text data, the resource includes illustrations and web links. Bibliographical information is described as factographic source.
The database provides access to reliable and comprehensive information about Belarus.
Elena Malinovskaya
Natalia Barsukova
Contact telephones:
(+375 17) 293 28 27
National bibliography of Belarus
The electronic information resource of the national bibliography of Belarus allows presenting the most complete bibliographical repertoire of Belarusian national documents that are stored in the libraries of the country and abroad; providing real-time access to the national bibliographic information for all categories of users regardless of their location; exchanging bibliographic information at the national and international levels; promoting the document heritage, history and culture of Belarus.
The electronic resource presents bibliographical data on documents filed in the territory of Belarus in different historical periods; Belarusian authors; the Belarusian language (in any graphics), irrespective of the place of publication and relating to the content of Belarus. The chronological coverage is from early printed and manuscript books to the latest publications.
The resource is daily updated.
Natallia Struc
Contact telephone:
(+375 17) 293 28 09
E-mail: malinovskaya@nlb.by
National Database of Authority/Standard Records
The database contains authority/standard and reference machine-readable records for the following names (entities): “person’s name”, “organization’s name”, “generic name”, “administrative and territorial or geographic name”, “trade mark”, “unified title”, “summary unified title”, “country of issue as access point”, “form, genre or physical characteristics of the document”.
Authority records contain information about accepted (fixed) titles and include their variant forms, connections with other authoritative records, different remarks and other additional information which characterizes the title or the authority record on the whole. Titles in foreign languages are presented in their authentic form. Authority records are points of access for bibliographical records of documents presented in the electronic catalog. Also they can be used as an independent reference resource on Belarusian studies. The database is currently updated and includes materials in Belarusian, Russian and foreign languages.
Natalya Repina
Svetlana Poddubnaya
Tamara Misnik
Contact telephones:
(+375 17) 293 26 74
(+375 17) 293 28 67
(+375 17) 293 28 69
Scientists of Belarus
The database Scientists of Belarus is a corporate factographic information resource containing the following data:
- doctors/candidates of sciences and holders of academic degree;
- research workers and university professors – authors of scientific papers;
- universities and organization departments scientists work at;
- scientific dynasties/families.
The database records are composed in two official languages – Russian and Belarusian (if publications in the aforesaid languages are available).
The database presents scientists’ biographic data, scientific interests, sphere of scientific effort, place/places of employment, offices, awards, honorary titles. It features as well all known name forms in Russian, Belarusian and other languages, pen names, cryptonyms and religious names of each scientist. Also there are links to data sources on institutions scientists work at and scientists’ dynasties/families.
Records contain links to the Union Electronic Catalog of Libraries of Belarus, the electronic catalog of the library – the project participant, photo of the scientist and the personal site (if any).
The database "Scientists of Belarus" is currently developed by the National Library of Belarus and libraries of the following universities:
- Baranovichi State University;
- Belarusian-Russian University;
- Belarusian State Economic University;
- Belarusian State Technological University;
- Belarusian State University;
- Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts;
- Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics;
- Belarusian State University of Physical Training;
- Belarusian National Technical University;
- Belarusian State Academy of Arts;
- Branch of the Russian State Social University in Minsk;
- Brest State Technical University;
- Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin;
- Hrodna State Agrarian University;
- Hrodna State Medical University;
- Hrodna State University named after Janka Kupala;
- Homiel branch of the International University "MITSO";
- Homiel State Medical University;
- Homiel State Technical University named after P.O. Sukhoi;
- Homiel State University named after F. Skoryna;
- Mahiliou State University named after А.А. Кuliashou;
- Mahiliou State University of Food Technologies;
- Mazyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamiakin;
- Polack State University;
- Viciebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University;
- Viciebsk State Technological University;
- Viciebsk State University named after P.M. Masherau.
Larissa Bushilo
Irina Kazhuro
Zoya Petrovskaya
Contact telephones:
(+375 17) 293 26 81
(+375 17) 293 26 62
(+375 17) 293 29 93
Union Electronic Catalogue of the Belarusian Libraries
The Union Electronic Catalogue of the Belarusian Libraries (UEC) is a system of consolidated electronic catalogues, which presents bibliographic information about the collections of Belarusian libraries.
The Union Electronic Catalogue of the Belarusian Libraries includes:
- the union electronic catalogue of the corporate catalogue system is a national corporate information resource based on four national libraries: the National Library of Belarus, Jakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Republican Scientific and Technical Library and the Presidential Library of the Republic of Belarus;
- the regional union electronic catalogues is a national corporate information resource, which represents the collections of the regional libraries of Belarus.
• more than 6,300,000 bibliographic records of books (including rare and early printed books), theses, theses abstracts, graphic documents, cartographic materials, musical documents, documents on standardization, audio and video documents, periodicals;
• more than 2,700,000 entries of personal, company, generic names, trademarks, geographic names, subject matters, forms, genres, and physical characteristics of a document.
The regional union electronic catalogues of the libraries of Belarus contain bibliographic data about the collections from 75 nation's library systems (1,204 libraries) including books, brochures, audiovisual documents, graphic documents, musical editions, cartographic materials, theses, abstracts, components of local history documents and electronic resources.
The Regional Union Electronic Catalogue of the Belarusian Libraries includes:
The Union Catalogue is daily updated and tailored to users’ requests and the tasks of corporate cataloguing.
Aiena Ishutsina
Tatsiana Komleva
Zoya Petrovskaya
For more info:
(+375 17) 293 27 48
(+375 17) 293 29 78
(+375 17) 293 29 93
E-mail: skk@nlb.by